- The package must also have a user-friendly interface that may be menu-oriented, iconic or a combination of both. It provides most the features that a 2D graphic editor should have. It is developed in C. it has been implemented on DOS platform. The 2-
- autocad vba 获取 文字 坐标 及 文字 内容-Coordinate access to text and text content
- An application that implement Uninformed search algorithms * Breadth-first search * Uniform-cost search * Depth-first search * Depth-limited search (tree and recursive versions) * Iterative deepening search-An application that im
- 介绍了电子稳像的几种算法 适合做相关工作人员参考阅读-Introduced several electronic image stabilization algorithm for relevant staff to do reference reading
- Cairo is a 2D graphics library with support for multiple output devices. Currently supported output targets include the X Window System, Quartz, Win32, image buffers, Postscr ipt, PDF, and SVG file output. Experimental backends include OpenGL (throug
- Anti-Grain Geometry (AGG) is an Open Source, free of charge graphic library, written in industrially standard C++. The terms and conditions of use AGG are described on The License page. AGG doesn t depend on any graphic API or technology. Basically,
- efficient Graph-Based image Segmentation C++ code(with visual 2008)
- GDI animation in C-GDI animation in C++
- 图形设计跟随趋势,而当前的趋势是到处使用渐变,除了这个风尚,渐变可以用来创建反射和淡出这样的高级效果。-Graphic design to follow the trend, and the current trend is everywhere to use gradients, in addition to the fashion, the gradient can be used to create such a high-level reflection and fade out eff
- 款绝棒的支持中英文显示的模拟电子显示屏控件 Ver 1.0,该控件完美支持中文,自带字库,支持左右平滑双向滚动。可以自定义文字滚动速度,支持刷新改变显示文字。 -Paragraph must stick support in English and Chinese display screen control of analog electronic Ver 1.0, the control is the perfect support for Chinese, native font s
- 二维图像的基本处理,包括imfilter等matlab库函数的移植-The basic two-dimensional image processing, including imfilter matlab library function such as migration
- 实现图像膨胀的优化代码,有测试程序,直接编译即可用-Expansion of the optimization of image code, testing procedures, can be used directly to compile