- 图像实验的标准源图,国际通用,做对比实验不可缺少的素材,lena,fruit,等等。-The image of the standard resource figure, international general, do the contrast experiment indispensable materials, Lena, fruit, and so on.
Run 实现对车牌颜色进行识别和车牌区域的粗定位
- 代码能够实现对车牌颜色进行识别和车牌区域的粗定位,代码使用opencv实现的,算法的鲁棒性比较强!-code can be used for recognition of the color of the plate and coordinate the area of the plate.
- 用VC++建立MFC多文档对灰度图像进行的直方图均衡化,本文档提供了所有步骤以及源代码!-Build with VC++ MFC Multiple Document for grayscale image histogram equalization, this document provides all the steps and source code!
- 用于提取CAD水深图形中的水深数据的水深和对应坐标-CAD graphic to extract the depth of the water depth in the depth and the corresponding coordinates of the data
LSD 直线的快速检测算法
- 一种直线的快速检测算法,检测效果好于canny等常见算法,a fast line segment detector-A linear algorithm for the rapid detection, detection is better than other common canny algorithm, a fast line segment detector
- 画椭圆的方法有很多,这是其中一种,用DDA算法画的,oval paintings are lots of ways, this is one of those painted with the DDA Algorithm
- DirectDraw实例,1-7实例依次增加难度。,DirectDraw example, 1- 7 followed by examples of increasing difficulty.
- 这个程序可以修复因噪声/噪音干扰或者因抖动产生的失真的图像,Inverse滤波器, Wiener滤波器和Lucy-Richardson滤波器被使用到,同时代码还使用了光学流线分析,估计模糊的长度和角度。,This process could be restored due to noise/noise interference or distortion due to jitter generated images, Inverse filter, Wiener filter and the L
- 最小二乘椭圆拟合 for java Least Ellipse Fitting,Least squares ellipse fitting for javaLeast Ellipse Fitting
- visual c++ 图像处理 线性变换 用MFC写成的。,visual c++ image processing linear transformation written using MFC.
- 一种简单的判断点在多边形内外的算法。名字叫做什么改进的弧长法,To determine a simple point in polygon algorithm outside. What is the name of improved arc-length method
- 计算机图形学作业算法 VC++程序源码 含画直线(逐点比较法)、二维裁剪(中点分割算法)、判别点在区域内外(标号法)等算法,经我修改用于保存手动提取图形特征点,Computer graphics algorithms operating VC++ Program source code containing paint a straight line (point by point comparison method), two-dimensional cutting (mid-poin