- 通过matlab平台实现图形图像处理的信息隐藏功能,将一张bmp图像的信息拆分到两张图像之中实现信息隐藏的功能,代码可以运行欢迎大家借鉴学习-Achieve graphic image processing function by matlab platform, information hiding, information bmp image of a split among the two images to achieve information hidden features, cod
- 去雾matlab代码 Gao Y, Hu H M, Wang S, et al. A fast image dehazing algorithm based on negative correction[J]. Signal Processing, 2014, 103(10):380-398. 论文配套matlab 代码 code-matlab code for Gao Y, Hu H M, Wang S, et al. A fast image dehazing algorithm bas
- 在Visual Studio中嵌套qt再用opencv库中的canny算子实现图像边缘检测-In Visual Studio nested qt then using opencv library canny operator to achieve image edge detection
- 局部gamma变换,本人毕业论文中实现的一个图像增强算法,该算法已经发表到EI期刊,这是其源代码,基于C++和OPENCV-Local gamma transformation, I graduated the paper to achieve an image enhancement algorithm, the algorithm has been published to the EI journals, which is its source code, based on C++ an
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- 非常重要的直线检测代码,不只是freeman和活肤,还有其他的,很重要-Very important straight line detection code, not just freeman and revitalize, there are other, very important! The The The The The The The The
- 代码Joint Depth Estimation and Camera Shake Removal Single Blurry Image 2014 去模糊-Joint Depth Estimation and Camera Shake Removal Single Blurry Image 2014
- 基于四叉树算法的图像分割源码,分块限制条件为块大小。-Based on the quadtree algorithm image segmentation source, the block constraint condition is block size.
- 针对ENVISAT雷达影像的专门分处理源代码,在DORIS软件的基础上运行- U9488 u5BF9ENVISAT u96F7 u8F2 u5FF u5FF u7L0 u4E8 u5206 u5904 u5904 u7409 u6E90 u4E3 u7801 uFF0C u5728DORIS u8F6F u4EF6 u7684 u57FA u7840 u4E0A u8FD0 u884C
- 针对ENVISAT雷达影像的专门分处理源代码,在DORIS软件的基础上运行- U9488 u5BF9ENVISAT u96F7 u8F2 u5FF u5FF u7L0 u4E8 u5206 u5904 u5904 u7409 u6E90 u4E3 u7801 uFF0C u5728DORIS u8F6F u4EF6 u7684 u57FA u7840 u4E0A u8FD0 u884C
- 图像高斯拉普拉斯金字塔(laplacian pyramid)并从金字塔重建原图,不含细节增强-Image of the pyramid pyramid (pyramid) and reconstructs the original the pyramid, without detail enhancement
- 基于MATLAB的红外可见图片融合,内含试验图片,可运行-picture fusion