- 从jd1.ave中读取某一桢图像,并应用dct带通滤波,输出图像为‘source.bmp’-read from a jd1.ave Lo images, and apply Copy-pass filtering, Image output for the 'source.bmp'
- myfilt0.m 改进系数的各项异性扩展方程滤波-myfilt0.m improving coefficient of expansion equation heterosexual Filtering
- 数字图像处理典型算法实现,共12章。01vc数字图像编程基础知识,02数字图像的采集、量化和表示,03数字图像的点运算;04图像几何变换,05频域处理方法;06图像增强技术;07图像腐蚀膨胀和细化算法;08边缘检测与提取及轮廓跟踪;09图像分割;10图像配准;11图像复原;12图像压缩-typical digital image processing algorithm, a total of 12 chapters. 01vc Digital Image basic knowledge of
- 自动地otsu 二值图像分割方法,该方法也叫 基于最大类间方差地 图像二值分割方法,希望大家喜欢-otsu two automatic image segmentation methods, The method is also called for the maximum variance to image two segmentation methods, hope you like
- 好用地 matlab 区域增长算法,先输入比较范围,再输入种子点数目,然后就是手动选取种子点了 ,好运哦!-good land Matlab regional growth algorithm, importing more scope to import seed spots, Then, they manually select seed, good luck!
- 好用地 matlab版本地 用hough变换进行直线提取地程序,提取最长地直线,以后会改进,可以提取累计矩阵中,局部峰值点地直线!-good land use Matlab version hough transform line extraction procedures. to extract the longest line, it will improve, can extract accumulated matrix, partial to the peak point straigh
- Visual C++6.0的指纹识别代码,包括指纹识别各个步骤的源程序,如指纹预处理,特征提取及匹配-Visual C + +6.0 fingerprint identification codes, including all the steps Fingerprint Identification of the source, Pretreatment such as fingerprints, feature extraction and matching
- 指纹图像识别的c程序代码,功能详尽,包括各个处理步骤的详细代码,如指纹图象增强,细化,匹配等-Fingerprint Recognition c code, functional detail, including various processing steps detailed code, fingerprint image enhancement, refinement, matching
- 一个指纹识别的c语言程序,包括了指纹图象预处理,特征提取及指纹图象匹配各个步骤的详细算法-a fingerprint identification c language program, including a fingerprint image preprocessing, Feature Extraction and fingerprint image matching steps detailed algorithm
- canny 算法 void CreatGauss(double sigma, double **pdKernel, int *pnWidowSize) void GaussianSmooth(SIZE sz, LPBYTE pGray, LPBYTE pResult, double sigma) void Grad(SIZE sz, LPBYTE pGray, int *pGradX, int *pGradY, int *pMag) void NonmaxSuppress(
- 一个非常好用的指纹识别c程序,希望对研究这方面的人能有所帮助-a very handy c Fingerprint Identification procedures, and I hope to study this aspect can be helpful
- 我发现网上关于RLE编码的资料很少,特此发文章来填充它,查了很多资料,至今还有不完善的地方,希望大家批评指正,里面有RLE编码的介绍和C++实现-I found on the Internet RLE encoding little information, the article is hereby made to fill it, and examine a lot of information. So far there are imperfections in the hope of c