- VCGIS vc++开发GIS系统
- Digital_Image_Processing_Ch06 数字图像处理冈萨雷斯Matlab版第六章的输入命令与注释以及图像打包
- 0.618 学会用MATLAB编写程序; 学会一维搜索法; 精确的一维线性搜索法:法; 非精确的一维线性搜索法:goldstein法;
- matlab 有关相移光纤光栅的MATLAB仿真 需要自改参数
- MATLAB-cure-fitness 简要地介绍了matlab在曲线拟合中的作用
- 1_5127623023603482650 datum and all the necessary information related to that if you need to download
- 国外网上找的自适应阈值分割的源程序,测试过,好用。 可以下载-abroad to find online adaptive thresholding segmentation of the source, tested and ease of use. Can be downloaded s
- 一种新的平滑滤波器族,可以同时处理加性和乘性噪声,而且在边缘保持和非脉冲性噪声滤除之间达到了权衡。-a new nation smoothing filter can also handle additive and multiplicative noise. but on the margins to maintain and non-pulse filter between the noise reached a balance.
- 为了去除噪声,先采用中值滤波,然后用图像锐化处理,目的是使模糊的图像变得更加清晰起来。选用的是梯度锐化-to remove noise, first used the filter, and then use the image sharpening. purpose is to make vague images become more clearer. Uses the gradient Unsharp
- hsv的空间量化,要求输入为hsv空间中的图像。分别对h、s、v三个分量进行量化。-hsv space quantization, for admission to hsv space images. Respectively h, s, v 3 components quantified.
- 基于彩色分割的汽车牌照识别 基于彩色分割的汽车牌照识别基于彩色分割的汽车牌照识别-segmentation based on the color of the vehicle license identification based on color segmentation in vehicle license identification based on color segmentation of the vehicle license as identification
- 图像操作变换---图像对比度拉伸。Visual C++编译环境,已经调试通过、-Image Transform operation -- Image Contrast stretching. Visual C compiler, debugger has passed,
- 图像操作变换---图像求反色。Visual C++编译环境,已经调试通过。-images -- Image Transform operations for anti-Israel. Visual C compiler, debugger has passed.
- 图像操作变换---图像逆滤波处理。Visual C++编译环境,已经调试通过。-Image Transform operation --- inverse image filtering. Visual C compiler, debugger has passed.
- 图像基本操作:实现图像的平移操作。编译环境是visual c++编译通过。-Image basic operations : image translation operation. Compiler environment is visual c compile.
- 采用伪随机原理产生有窗口特性的彩色编码图,对于研究三维重建的朋友有用,采用matlab编写,请多多指教!QQ:526289-using pseudo-random produced a window characteristics of color-coded map, three-dimensional reconstruction of useful friends, prepared using Matlab Please excuse us! QQ : 526289
- 一个非常好的圆检测代码,和大家一起分享,QQ:52628977.-a very good circle detection code, and share with everyone, QQ : 52628977.
- 这是用于遥感图像处理的软件,具有基本的数字图像处理软件的功能,但未完成,还是欢迎使用。-This is used for remote sensing image processing software, with the basic digital image processing software functions, but not completed. still welcome to use.