边缘检测和hough 变换实现边缘检测MATLAB
- 进行图像的边缘检测,霍夫变换用于图像分割处理(image segmentation based on edges check and hough shift)
- demons 算法能够加快图像配准的收敛速度和提高配准的精度(Image registration based on demons algorithm)
- 基于图像的边缘检测算子和阈值分割算法用于图像分割(Image based edge detection operator and threshold segmentation algorithm for image segmentation)
- already to use delphi 7
- 主成分分析,提取图像中的SIFT特征点,用于图像识别和分类(Principal component analysis (PCA), extracting SIFT feature points in images for image recognition and classification)
- 用于提取并识别出车牌号,可以区分数字和字母(Used to extract and identify the number of the license plate, which can distinguish between numbers and letters)
- 1、读入图片,根据PGN格式的line 2 确定矩阵的大小为 28*28=784,根据line4 获取. 2、读入图片,根据PGN格式的line 2 确定矩阵的大小为 28*28=784,根据line4 获取。 3、计算平均矩阵。 4、对平均值矩阵进行SVD: 5、平均矩阵进行SVD后的前20个singular vector的输出结果。 6. 将训练集的每一张图片当成一行,形成一个矩阵,然后对矩阵进行PCA分解。 7. 这个矩阵对测试集的每张图片进行降 维,得到的图像。(1, rea
adobe photoshop cs3
- Photoshop cs3 cs3 精简版 大小60M左右(Photoshop CS3 CS3 simplified version about the size of 60M)
- 利用mask与Wallis算法实现影像匀光匀色(Using mask and Wallis algorithm to realize the uniform color of the image)
- 对于一幅灰度图像,找到角点的位置,并圈出角点的位置。(For a grayscale image, the position of the corner point is found and the position of the corner point is circled.)
数字图像处理与机器视觉 Visual C 与Matlab实
- 数字图像处理与机器视觉 visual C++与Matlab实现第一版(Digital image processing and machine vision visual C++ and Matlab (First Edition, Zhang Zheng))
code of SSIM
- 该代码是对于图像拼接后质量进行检测的有效方式。(The code is an effective way to detect the quality of the image after the image splicing.)