- 用于Landsat5 TM数据的辐射定标(Calibration for Landsat TM data using IDL)
- 《深度学习与计算机视觉》配套代码,对深度学习入门与提高有帮助。("Deep learning and computer vision" supporting code for the introduction and improvement of the depth of learning help.)
- 波形图表多次更新程序框图中包括While循环,For循环,移位寄存器,加法函数,除法函数,正弦函数,余弦函数,捆绑函数,多次更新(单条曲线)为正弦函数的波形图表,多次更新(多条曲线)为正弦函数和余弦函数的波形图表。移位寄存器中的数加For循环的次数,除以10后作为正弦函数和余弦函数的输入。输出经过捆绑后,连接多条曲线的波形图表。(Multiple updates of the waveform chart)
Image fusion
- 采用了小波变换的方法实现了红外光图像与可见光图像的融合,并且设计了一个简单的matlab GUI界面。小波变换的分解层数为2层,采用低频平均高频取大的融合规则,融合效果非常欢迎下载。(The method of wavelet transform is used to realize the fusion of infrared and visible light images, and a simple matlab GUI interface is designed. The number
- 在噪声较大的图像中,经过一系列的滤波、开闭运算及二值化处理,提取细菌轮廓,并判别出细菌数目。(After a series of filtering, opening and closing operations and two values, the bacterial contour was extracted and the number of bacteria was identified.)
- C# 图像处理含源码, 包括对图像的灰度,锐化,减噪等处理。希望能帮到需要的人(C# image processing contains source code, including the processing of image gray, sharpening, noise reduction and so on)
- C#图像处理、神经网络、遗传算法集.对学习CSharp 图像处理的人很有帮助,希望可以帮到(C# image processing, neural network, genetic algorithm set)
AForge.NET Framework-2.2.5
- c#图形图像处理库文件,非常好用。大家可以试试(C# graphic image processing library files, very good use.)
- 将分水岭算法用于图像分割,将深度图像数据集成到标记控制的分水岭RGB图像分割算法中(watershed algorithm image segmentation INTEGRATING DEPTH IMAGE DATA INTO MARKER CONTROLLED WATERSHED RGB IMAGE SEGMENTATION ALGORITHM Onur Olgac, Cihan Avci)
- 光流法可以获得每帧图像的光流值,然后焓值法可以获得每一帧图像的能量焓值(The energy enthalpy of each frame can be obtained.)
- 单目视觉从图像中求取物体长度;多目视觉求基础矩阵并画极线;摄像机标定(The length of the object is obtained from the image by monocular vision; the multiocular vision is used to find the basic matrix and draw the pole line; the camera calibration is calibrated.)
第 05 章 基于阈值分割的车牌定位识别
- 基于阈值分割的车牌定位识别,包括分割,识别,定位(License plate location identification, including segmentation, recognition and location)