- 一个实现了纹理贴图立体效果的opengl程序,在这个程序中你将开始学习如何实现纹理贴图,效果很不错!-a texture map to achieve a three-dimensional effect of opengl procedures, In this process you will begin to learn how to achieve texture map, the effect is pretty good!
- 说明: GL Print.rar是一个比较常见的OpenGL的打印代码,在CodeGuru上有的,我在它的基础上面做了一点点改动,就是将CGLobj当成了View的一个成员,原来他们之间存在继承关系.效果相同. Ch4.rar是一本书上面的一个原码,没有打印功能.但是他设计的类比较好(个人观点)所有的绘制功能是在COpenGLDC里完成的,而视图的投影视口的变换等是由一个照相机类完成的,以至于我现在还不知道怎么回事,只管用就是了. NewGL.rar 的我结合上面两者改写
- 一个互动机械臂的OpenGL code,Visual C++. s键转动第一个关节,e键转动第二个关节,w键转动第三个关节-an interactive manipulator OpenGL code, Visual C. Key Moment's first joint, e Key Moment of the second joints, w Key Moment of the third joints
- OpenGL,Visual C++ 生成贝塞尔曲线 KEYfunction: c - 清空屏幕;e - 擦除曲线;b - 画贝塞尔曲线-OpenGL, Visual C Bessel curve KEYfunction Generation : c-blank screen; e-erasure curve; b-painting Bessel curve
- 又一个互动机械臂OpenGL,Visual C++,通过鼠标中键实现功能,例如原地旋转机械臂, 弯曲机械臂-also an interactive manipulator OpenGL, Visual C, the middle mouse button function and For example, in situ rotary manipulator, bending manipulator
- 可以改变轴心的旋转立方体OpenGL,C++ GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON && GLUT_DOWN, axis = 0 GLUT_MIDDLE_BUTTON && GLUT_DOWN, axis = 1 GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON && GLUT_DOWN, axis = 2 -can change the rotation axis cube OpenGL, C GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON
- OpenGL, Visual C++ 一个带有经纬线的地球模型,通过mouse function能够朝各个方向旋转-OpenGL, Visual C with a latitude and longitude lines of the earth model, through the mouse to function in all directions rotation
- OpenGL, Visual C++ 灯光的旋转运动,在这个例子中,灯光会在球体上渐隐-OpenGL, Visual C light of the rotation, in this case, the lights will be on the ball gradually hidden
- VC 和OpenGL编写的屏幕保护程序源码,包括安装卸载程序的源码。利用OpenGL Shading实现3维效果。-VC and the preparation of the OpenGL screen saver source code, including the installation of the source and unloading procedures. OpenGL Shading realization of the three-dimensional effect.
- Interactive Computer Graphics A top down approach using OpenGL 一书的习题答案。-Interactive Computer Graphics A top down a pproach using the OpenGL an answer to the questions.
- opengl + vc++ 计算机图形学 烟花燃放程序-opengl vc computer graphics fireworks discharge procedures
- 一个BEZIER曲线,BSPLINE曲线的绘制,依靠你鼠标所点击的点绘制-a Bezier curve, BSPLINE curve mapping, which relies on your mouse click on the drawing point