- 利用OpenGL实现的地形生成完整源代码,实现了三维漫游效果!-use OpenGL integrity of the terrain generated source code to achieve a three-dimensional effect roaming!
- 本程序模拟了喷泉持续稳定的喷溅到水池的过程。-this program to simulate the continued stability of the fountain to splash pool process.
- 实现太阳系,其中有地球和另一行星,及它们的卫星,按\"S\"键可以改变各行星的自转和公转速度。-achieve the solar system, including Earth and the other planets and their satellites, by the "S" button to change the planet's rotation and revolution speed.
- 绘制一茶壶,用一照相机可以在不同角度去观察该茶壶,包括上下、左右、前后-drawing a teapot, a camera can be used at different angles to observe the teapot, including upper and lower, around, before and after
- 用OPENGL做的一个使用了双缓冲的的六边形显示技术-use OpenGL to do a double-buffer the use of the hexagonal display technology.
- 使用OPENGL语言编写的学校大礼堂图案,可以当作OPENGL的练笔之作-use OpenGL language school auditorium logo, as the OpenGL practice writing one.
- 使用OPENGL编程的实现数学函数显示的一个源程序-use of the OpenGL programming mathematical function of a source revealed. .
- 使用OPENGL编程的实现可以在实时显示中使用鼠标的显示的一个源程序-use OpenGL Programming can achieve real-time display in the use of the mouse revealed a source. .
- 使用OPENGL编程的实现图象纹理显示的一个源程序,可以有不同的光照和贴图-use OpenGL Programming image texture of a source revealed, can be in a different light and texture. .
- osculatingcircle.cpp : An interactive demo of osculating circles used to define a parametric curve curvature. Require OpenGL(R) matchsegments.cpp : Compute the scaled rigid transformation that matches a given pair of segments. srm : A k
- Approximating the sphere by a subdivision mesh. Start from the icosahedron base mesh and iteratively refine the subdivision. Require OpenGL(R). snapshot level 2 PNG, snapshot level 4PNG. -Approximating the sphere by a subdivision mesh. Start from the
- Environment map conversion procedure using generic pixel-to-ray and ray-to-pixel primitives. You need this equirectangular environment map image: latlong.ppm. The output is a spherical mirror ball image spherical.ppm that you can also use in the form