- S7_Pro6 一个S7
- xf86-video-ati-X11R7.2-6.6.3 x.org上有关ati系列显卡最新驱动
- FluidPipelineSimulinkModels These Simulink blocks contain transfer functions that model the pressure and flow transients for axisymmetric 2D viscous flow of a compressible fluid in a straight rigid circular cross section pipelines. Three models are available: (1) pressures at the ends (2) flow rates at the ends (3) pressure at one end and flow rate at the other Filtering is incorporated to reduce numerical oscillation (Gibbs phenomenon). See J. Dyn. Systems
- 《长空激战》手机游戏 这是为参加软件大赛而写的一个手机游戏
- CoorTrans GPS坐标转换算法
- OPERATOR_OVERLOADING A great insight into operator overloading in c/c++. Overloading operators in class operations is always a hectic for beginners. I hope this will be an easy source to take some hint from regarding how the operators are overloaded. Created using Turbo C/C
- 通过计算最大互相关(Cross Correlation),在给定的图像中检测目标图像,并在图像显示窗口中高亮该区域-By calculating the maximum cross-correlation (Cross, The Correlation), detection of the target image in a given image, and highlight the region in the image display window
- Vs2008+Opencv2.0实现PCA算法,用的是ORL人脸库,得到不错的识别率-Vs2008+ Opencv2.0 realize PCA algorithm, with ORL face database, get good recognition rate
- 人脸识别虽然是老问题,但永远是新思维.数学虽然能解决一般问题,但一种算法决不是灵丹妙药,要综合使用,灵活配方,这样才能针对性强,精确度高.-This software is a bit amazing!
- 模式识别手写数字图像识别(最小错误率Bayes算法)-digital image Least error Bayes
- 指纹识别是通过不同人的指纹是不同的这个基本的生物学原理,在使用数学上的经典算法基础上,创新思维,使得速度和正确率都得以提高-This is an interesting program.
- 字符识别,在库里面设计好若干个字符,如字母数学和键盘标识符.手写后通过程序处理,寻找库里的最近字符,识别率特高.-This is an amazing software!
- 这是一款运动检测软件.对于一个运动的车辆或运动着的任一物体,只要速度在机械速度范围内,都可以捕捉到并有足够的精度.-Running things are captured to check currately.
- 从字符串表示的源程序中识别出具有独立意义的单词符号,其基本思想是根据扫描到单词符号的第一个字符的种类,拼出相应的单词符号。-From the string representation of the source identified with the independent significance of the word symbol, the basic idea is that depending on the type of scan to word symbols, characte
- These programs are provided to you free of charge "as such". You should not assume that these programs are error-free or suitable for any purpose whatsoever. EURESYS does not give any representation, warranty or undertaking that these p
- 纸牌的识别,个人感觉做的一般,希望对大家有些用处。-Recognition of cards
- 车牌识别源代码是专为从事车牌识别软件产品开发的客户而设计的软件开发包。采用国际领先的计算机视觉和图像处理算法,结合国际领先的神经网络算法,我司车牌识别采用模块的方式提供车牌识别功能的软件。具有高速的识别速度和可信识别正确率,以减轻各开发商的开发成本,提高其竞争力。适用于城市交通管理、超速监控、公路收费、停车场管理、被盗车辆侦破、等应用开发。-License plate recognition source code is designed to be engaged in the license
- 包含陆振波的几种核函数下的SVM识别例程-conclude example of SVM