- 这个程序就是从联合开发网下载的,但是有一个错误导致识别率不足60%。 原始版本在图像旋转后提取的指纹中心点算法有误,每次提取的中心点都在图像边缘,造成后面提取的FingerCode也会出错。 这个修改使旋转前的中心点与旋转后的中心点保持一致,同时减少了运算复杂度(This program is downloaded from www.pudn.com, but one error led to recognition rate of less than 60%. The original
- ocr,一个深度学习的ocr开源代码,非常不错的ocr。(ocr, this is a great ocr open source code by Python. Very nice project.)
PCA_based Face Recognition System
- 通过PCA 算法提取特征脸 在人脸训练库中获取每张人脸的特征脸,在测试集中寻找与训练的人脸相似的人脸。有可视化的GUI界面。(The feature face is extracted by PCA algorithm to get the face of each face in the face training library, and the face which is similar to the trained face is found in the test set. There
- android 基于zbar的扫一扫,扫描速度快、准确(Android scanning speed is fast and accurate based on ZBar scan)
- Program searches for objects from different pictures, recognizes them and select good objects.
- Hello every one sorry this file i upload to be a members
KNN 编译环境opencv3.0
- opencv3实现手写数字knn算法的代码(Opencv3 implements the code of the KNN algorithm)
- face++人脸识别API调用;openCV-python人脸检测;(Face++ face recognition API call; openCV-python face detection;)
- 基于python tensorflow框架构建的卷积神经网络用来识别图像,附带训练数据集的制作代码。(The convolution neural network based on the python tensorflow framework is used to identify images with the production code of the training data set.)
- labview中简单的颜色识别,新手刚学,望各位大神指教(color discrimination)
- tesseract-ocr-setup-4.00.00dev(tesseract-ocr-setup-4.00.00dev.Commercial quality OCR.A commercial quality OCR engine originally developed at HP between 1985 and 1995.)
- 配合训练tesseract字库,实现自定义字库OCR。(jTessBoxEditor is an application that was created in order to provide users with a companion to the Tesseract OCR software package. It will provide the means to edit Box data resulted from versions 2.0x and 3.0x of Tessera