- 其中包含MATLAB的各种函数作图命令和图像的各种设置代码,适合MATLAB初学者参考使用。-MATLAB functions which contains various drawing commands and various settings of the image code, suitable for beginners reference use MATLAB.
- MATLAB-SimMechanics机构动态仿真,简单机构-MATLAB-SimMechanics Institutional dynamic simulation, simple organization
- 计算一维光子晶体的透射特性和反射特性,外文资料里面的源代码,用MATLAB实现的压缩传感。- Calculated transmission characteristics and reflection characteristics of the one-dimensional photonic crystals, Foreign materials inside the source code, Using MATLAB compressed sensing.
- 信号处理中的旋转不变子空间法,代码里有很完整的注释和解释,应用小区域方差对比,程序简单。- Signal Processing ESPRIT method, Code, there are very complete notes and explanations Application of small area variance comparison, simple procedures.
- ofdm系统仿真 含16qam调制 fft 加窗 加cp等模块,通过matlab代码,matlab编写的元胞自动机。- ofdm system simulation including 16qam modulation fft windowing modules plus cp, By matlab code, matlab prepared cellular automata.
- 实现了图像的灰度化并进一步用于视频监视控,关于超声波倒车雷达测距的,直线阵采用切比学夫加权控制主旁瓣比。- Achieve a grayscale image and further control for video surveillance, About ultrasonic parking radar ranging, Linear array using cut than learning laid upon the right control of the main sidelobe
- levy飞行的2D演示,求解一个2维的方程,2万次迭代可以搜索到最优解。可对levy飞行有直观的了解(plot绘图显示)。自己编写的代码,初学者可以借鉴。-Levy flight of the 2D demo, solving a 2-dimensional equation, 2 million iterations can search for the optimal solution. Levy flight can have an intuitive understanding (plo
- 包括面积、周长、矩形度、伸长度,MIT人工智能实验室的目标识别的源码,能量谱分析计算。- Including the area, perimeter, rectangular, elongation, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory identification of the target source, Energy spectrum analysis and calculation.
- 通过Astart算法了解对图结构、堆栈、队列、优先级队列等数据结构,并通过回溯过程解决罗马尼亚假日问题。问题内容是通过Astart算法,遍历所有节点(地点),寻找最短路径。-Astart algorithm to understand the structure of the map, stack, queue, priority queue and other data structures, and through the backtracking process to solve the
- Levenberg Marquardt 算法的示例,matlab下求解一个有解析式(需要jacobian矩阵)的方程最优解。测试可用,可以借鉴。-Levenberg Marquardt algorithm example, matlab to solve a analytic (requires jacobian matrix) equation optimal solution. Test available, can learn from.
- 利用极小极大算法实现简单的零和博弈;利用递归算法实现博弈树搜索的方法,并解决牛角棋问题。-Using minimal algorithm to achieve a simple zero-sum game the use of recursive algorithm to achieve the game tree search method, and solve the horns chess problem.
- 可以得到很精确的幅值、频率、相位估计,供做算法研究人员参考,具有丰富的参数选项。- You can get a very accurate amplitude, frequency, phase estimation, Algorithm for researchers to do reference, It has a wealth of parameter options.