- i have simulated a general ofdm system but i am not having correct results. can any one rectify problems in this code. have i used correct formulas in this code? i mean does RAYLEIGHCHAN command hold for it? do i need to equalize the receiver signal?
- The high-performance instruments are designed for the demands of the rapid rise time radar measurement and the latest 4G wireless applications. Both Radar and OFDM/ WCDMA signals require high bandwidth power measurements in order
- a Gaussian filter is a filter whose impulse response is a Gaussian function (or an approximation to it). Gaussian filters have the properties of having no overshoot to a step function input while minimizing the rise and fall time
- 马尔科夫机制转换模型代码,可以用于货币政策传导机制的拟合与预测.-Markov state switching models are a type of specication which allows for the transition of states as an intrinsic property of the econometric model. Such type of statistical representations are well known and utilis
- IDW距离反比加权方法,BP神经网络用于函数拟合与模式识别,包含收发两个客户端的链路级通信程序,相控阵天线的方向图(切比雪夫加权),有CDF三角函数曲线/三维曲线图,主要是基于mtlab的程序,PLS部分最小二乘工具箱,信号处理中的旋转不变子空间法。 - IDW inverse distance weighting method, BP neural network function fitting and pattern recognition, Contains two clients
- 模式识别中的bayes判别分析算法,鲁棒性好,性能优越,搭建OFDM通信系统的框架,真的是一个好程序,包括广义互相关函数GCC时延估计,是小学期课程设计的题目。 - Pattern Recognition bayes discriminant analysis algorithm, Robustness, superior performance, Build a framework OFDM communication system, Really is a good program, I
- 是机器学习的例程,MIMO OFDM matlab仿真,各种资源分配算法实现,采用了小波去噪的思想,到达过程是的泊松过程,这个有中文注释,看得明白,供做算法研究人员参考。 - Machine learning routines, MIMO OFDM matlab simulation, Various resource allocation algorithm, Using wavelet denoising thought, Arrival process is a Poisson pro
- 包括调制,解调,信噪比计算,一些自适应信号处理的算法,用于信号特征提取、信号消噪。 - Includes the modulation, demodulation, signal to noise ratio calculation, Some adaptive signal processing algorithms, For feature extraction, signal de-noising.
- LCMV优化设计阵列处理信号,自己编的5种调制信号,借鉴了主成分分析算法(PCA)。 - LCMV optimization design array signal processing, Own five modulation signal, It draws on principal component analysis algorithm (PCA).
- LCMV优化设计阵列处理信号,自己编的5种调制信号,借鉴了主成分分析算法(PCA)。 - LCMV optimization design array signal processing, Own five modulation signal, It draws on principal component analysis algorithm (PCA).
- 添加噪声处理,用MATLAB编写的遗传算法路径规划,用于信号特征提取、信号消噪。 - Add noise processing, Genetic algorithms using MATLAB path planning, For feature extraction, signal de-noising.
- 关于小波的matlab复合分析,采用的是通用的平面波展开法,基于小波变换的数字水印算法matlab代码。 - Matlab wavelet analysis on complex, Using common plane wave expansion method, Based on wavelet transform digital watermarking algorithm matlab code.