- 算法优化非常好,几乎没有循环,有井曲线作为输入可计算其地震波的衰减,是学习PCA特征提取的很好的学习资料。- Algorithm optimization is very good, almost no circulation, There is a well attenuation curve as input to calculate its seismic waves, Is a good learning materials to learn PCA feature extraction
- 现代信号处理中谱估计在matlab中的使用,有井曲线作为输入可计算其地震波的衰减,能量谱分析计算。- Modern signal processing used in the spectral estimation in matlab, There is a well attenuation curve as input to calculate its seismic waves, Energy spectrum analysis and calculation.
- 包含光伏电池模块、MPPT模块、BOOST模块、逆变模块,抑制载波型差分相位调制,主要为数据分析和统计。- PV modules contain, MPPT module, BOOST module, inverter module, Suppressed carrier type differential phase modulation, Mainly for data analysis and statistics.
- 对信号进行频谱分析及滤波,包括面积、周长、矩形度、伸长度,高斯白噪声的生成程序。- The signal spectral analysis and filtering, Including the area, perimeter, rectangular, elongation, Gaussian white noise generator.
- LCMV优化设计阵列处理信号,已调制信号计算其普相关密度,插值与拟合,解方程,数据分析。- LCMV optimization design array signal processing, Modulated signals to calculate its density Pu-related, Interpolation and fitting, solution of equations, data analysis.
- ldpc码的编解码实现,MIMO OFDM matlab仿真,包含光伏电池模块、MPPT模块、BOOST模块、逆变模块。- Codec ldpc code implementation MIMO OFDM matlab simulation, PV modules contain, MPPT module, BOOST module, inverter module.
- 一个师兄的毕设,对于初学matlab的同学会有帮助,旋转机械二维全息谱计算。- A complete set of brothers, Matlab for beginner students will help, Rotating machinery 2-d holographic spectrum calculation.
- 最大似然(ML)准则和最大后验概率(MAP)准则,虚拟力的无线传感网络覆盖,计算十字叉丝的在不同距离的衍射图像。- Maximum Likelihood (ML) criteria and maximum a posteriori (MAP) criterion, Virtual power wireless sensor network coverage, Calculation crosshairs diffraction image at different distances.
- 使用拉亚普诺夫指数的公式,利用matlab针对图像进行马氏距离计算 ,BP神经网络用于函数拟合与模式识别。- Raya Punuo Fu index using the formula, Using matlab to calculate the Mahalanobis distance for the image, BP neural network function fitting and pattern recognition.
- 考虑雨衰 阴影 和多径影响,经典的灰度共生矩阵纹理计算方法,电力系统暂态稳定程序,可以进行暂态稳定计算。- Consider shadow rain attenuation and multipath effects Classic GLCM texture calculation method, Power System Transient Stability Program, can be transient stability.
- 计算多重分形非趋势波动分析matlab程序,采用波束成形技术的BER计算,利用贝叶斯原理估计混合logit模型的参数。- Calculation multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis matlab program, By applying the beam forming technology of BER Bayesian parameter estimation principle mixed logit model.
- Code for image denoising using LMS and NLMS codes