- PV modules contain, MPPT module, BOOST module, inverter module, Realization of 10 digital audio recognition program K-means clustering algorithm based on the PSO.
- 遗传算法例程,用来研究分析遗传进化中父代和子代之间关系(Genetic algorithm routines)
math modeling
- 数学建模的常用数据,非常经典,编程开发中经常使用。欢迎下载(he emphasis of this book lies on the teaching of mathematical modeling rather than simply presenting models. To this end the book starts with the simple discrete exponential growth model as a building block, and successi
- 用MATLAB里的simulink功能,采取独立模态控制方法,比较有控制和无控制的位移情况。(Using the Simulink function in MATLAB, the independent modal control method is adopted to compare the displacement with control and without control.)
- 一致性分析,多智能体网络的一致性。。。。。。(Consistency analysis and modeling of multi-agent networks to achieve leaderless simulation)
利用Olami SDK 实现语音控制计算器(iOS)
- Olami Calculator是一款在键盘输入算式的普通计算器的基础上,增加了支持语音控制输入算式输出结果的人工智能计算器。此外还增加了多种动画效果,计算结果提示音功能,多元化主题换肤功能,以及保存计算公式,侧滑栏查看收藏记录等功能。网上也有许多语音计算器,但是打开看,只是添加了按钮提示音等,并不能识别我们对着计算器说的内容,而Olami Calculator可以实现不用手动敲击键盘,只需要把想知道结果的算式对着语音计算器说出来,例如三加四乘五、清空等,然后Olami会根据自己的一套语音识别系
- 将卡尔曼滤波的方法与压缩感知联系在一起,实现对动态压缩感知信号的恢复。(combined the kalman filter and compressed sensing, to realize the recovery of dynamic signal.)
- 最优控制理论的成套算法,其中有使用安装说明。(A complete set of algorithms for optimal control theory.)
- 基于神经网络的人脸识别代码,可以进行人脸识别(Neural network based face recognition code, you can face recognition)
- 基于遗传算法改进阈值的神经网络 能够有效避免神经网络的阈值陷入局部极小值这一问题(The neural network based on genetic algorithm to improve the threshold can effectively avoid the problem that the threshold of the neural network is trapped into the local minimum)
《小波分析理论与Matlab R2007实现》源代码
- 《小波分析理论与Matlab R2007实现》源代码(Wavelet analysis theory and Matlab R2007 implementation)
- Fuzzy based PI controller for direct torque control .This technique is used in power electronics for numerous applications