- MATLAB语言编程,用贝叶斯决策算法实现线性样本分类,输入待分类样本,输出样本分类决策面。(MATLAB programming language, using Bayesian decision algorithm to achieve linear sample classification, input samples to be classified, output samples, classification, decision surface.)
- 划分预测对象状态 : 根据预测的目的划分 计算初始概率 : 根据历史数据计算状态概率 计算状态转移概率,构造转移概率矩阵P 根据转移概率进行预测,Pij 表示由状态 i 转移到状态 j 的概率 按最大可能性作为选择原则:选择(Pj1,Pj2,…, PjN )中最大者为预测结果。 计算状态转移概率时,最后一个数据不参加计算(To predict the state of an object: divide it according to the purpose of prediction
- 用遗传算法求解TSP问题,文件比较全面,可以直接运行,或者自己改变输入(solve the TSP by ga)
- 经验模态分解 是一种针对非线性、非平稳振动信号的处理方法(Empirical mode decomposition is an approach to nonlinear and non-stationary vibration signals)
- 基于电源的三相PWM VSC SimPowerSystems模型(SimPowerSystems model of a three-phase PWM VSC-based power supply)
- 在MATLAB中用FFT 方法求信号的频谱(Finding spectrum by FFT)
- Genetic algorithm based reactive power optimization, Dimensional phononic crystals FDTD method calculation examples band gap, STM32 all the information produced by the MP3.
COMSOL 5 for Engineers-Mehrzad Tabatabaian
- COMSOL工程案例的英文书籍,亚马逊网站可查,售价不费。(COMSOL project case of English books, Amazon website can be found, the price is not cost.)
COMSOL Multiphysics弱形式入门
- COMSOL为复杂科研仿真提供了友好的弱形式界面,类似于PDE方程,但相关手册至今未汉化,这是目前能找到的比较好的入门资料了。(COMSOL for the complex scientific simulation provides a friendly weak form interface, similar to the PDE equation, but the relevant manual has not finished, which is now able to find a b
COMSOL 有限元素分析之化工*
- 化工仿真过程中,需要考略化学材料间反应后产生的复杂物理变化,这对于专业知识不够广泛的仿真工程师而言很头疼,但COMSOL内置了大量已知的化学反应式,可供直接调用,极大的简化了工程人员的工作量。(In the process of chemical simulation, it is necessary to examine the complex physical changes caused by the reaction between chemical materials, which i
- 岩石损伤与断裂力学一直是有限元的弱势领域,必须依赖MATLAB一类的数学软件协助,本书籍提供了基础教程与相关案例。(Rock damage and fracture mechanics have been the weak field of finite element, must rely on MATLAB class of mathematical software to help, this book provides basic tutorials and related cases.
- 用简单的excel数据在matlab中画出三维图(Draw the surf diagram in MATLAB with simple Excel data)