BUE-GP-Proposal-Form-Revised-final version
- food classification matlab
- image segmentation and recognition
- AFEM@matlab is a MATLAB package of adaptive finite element methods (AFEMs) for stationary and evolution partial differential equations in two spatial dimensions. It contains robust, efficient, and easy-to-follow codes for the main building blocks of
- Computes the FE error measured in the L2- and H1-norm for 2D problems. Especially useful for illustrating the error decay of piecewise linear finite elements in the common norms.
- The package includes an example mortar finite element code for solving Poisson equation on nonmatching grids. The code is based on the variational formulation where the finite element solution is sought in a constrained space (the functions of this s
- This is a collection of files for the solution of scalar linear elliptic PDEs with a standard multigrid method.
- This program solves the obstacle problem
- The main subject of this project was the simulation of kinetics of chemical reactions to obtain reaction parameters for unknown reactions. Through the project we develop programs to solve wave equations and schrodinger equations.
- 以美国航空网数据集为例 将txt文件中的数据集改为--邻接矩阵--形式进行保存 转换结果为无向、无权图 a为节点个数 为了执行简单,函数没有设置参数,大家直接在程序里改参数a的值(Turn the edge list into a adjacency matrix)
Algoritmo Genético
- This program optimizes the discretization for a demand curve using recombinations and mutatios
- 人工智能神经网络代码,以及测试于测试结果文件统计(Artificial intelligence neural network codeAnd test the test results file statistics)
- Matlab串口通讯程序、读取串口数据、一个8bit、7296个8bit数据为一次读取的数据量、每两个8bit构成一个16bit数据(Matlab serial communication program, read serial data, a 8bit, 7296 8bit data for the one read data amount, each two 8bit to form a 16bit data)