- 用SAE 深度学习方法做的高光谱图像分析的一个例子。里面有sae方法还有高光谱图像的特征提取过程。(One example of the depth of learning to do with SAE hyperspectral image analysis. There are sae method has hyperspectral image feature extraction process)
- 利用三层卷积神经网络识别信号星座图,准确识别8psk,16psk,32psk,64qpsk四种调制方式,在低信噪比的情况下已然有良好的识别率。(The three layer convolution neural network is used to identify signal constellation, and accurately identify four modulation modes of 8PSK, 16PSK, 32psk and 64qpsk. It has a good
- CNN人脸检测VS2015+Opencv310(cnn face detection VS2015+Opencv310)
- 蚁群优化算法进行参数优化,是元启发式算法的一种(Ant colony optimization (ACO) optimization algorithm is a kind of meta heuristic algorithm.)
- 贝叶斯回归是一个很好的回归模型。相对与其他模型,贝叶斯回归可以避免因为模型过简单或者过复杂而产生的拟合不足和过拟合的问题。(Bayesian Regression is a good regression model. Compared with other models, Bayesian Regression can avoid the problems of Under-fitting and Over-fitting resulting from the simple or too co
- 用 dataset3 作为训练数据,用 dataset4 作为测试数据,采用不同的特征、训练样本数、分类方法进行比较实验,观察、分析实验结果的异同。 训练分类器的方法为最小错误率贝叶斯分类器(假设正态分布,先验概率各 50%)。使用Bayesscr ipt.m运行代码。(Using dataset3 as training data, dataset4 is used as test data, and different characteristics, training samples an
Tensorflow 实战Google深度学习框架
- 深度学习框架,适合人工智能学习以及刚入门的知识普及(Deep Learning Framework)
- 生成对抗网络中的各种衍生网络结构,包括基础GAN,C-GAN,AC-GAN等等 变分自动编码器各种衍生网络结构,包括条件变分自动编码器等等(Generated in the network against the derivative network structure, including GAN, C-GAN, AC-GAN and so on. The variational autocoder derivative network structure, including con
新建文本文档 (2)
- 在栅格地图中基于贪心算法避开障碍物的同时寻找两点间最短路径,(based on one way in the map to builder a path planner)
- MATLAB code. It was originally demonstrated the main algorithms from Rasmussen and Williams: Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning.(The code provided here originally demonstrated the main algorithms from Rasmussen and Williams: Gaussian Processes f
- BP神经网络算法,以鸢尾花为例子的分类算法。(BP neural network algorithm, using iris as an example of the classification algorithm)
- 计算任意平面太阳辐射量 光伏支架跟踪 双面电池和单面电池 单轴跟踪和双轴跟踪(Calculation of solar radiation for arbitrary plane solar radiation tracking double side battery and single side battery and single axis tracking and dual axis tracking)