- avcodec_sample.0.5.0.c usage of libraries that can be used to process video: libavcodec and libavformat
- xishudianpipei-yuchongjian 本程序是在c++平台上应用opengl来实现三维密集点匹配与三维重建
- face-recognition-SVD-HMM an efficient system for face recognition based on hidden markov models and SVD as features extractor
- function-approximation 提供了多种利用函数逼近算法求解优化问题的MATLAB源代码
- iserative-return The ActiveResizer is a VB 32bit ActiveX DLL that automatical(The ActiveResizer is a 32 bit VB ActiveX DLL that automatical)
- irlsram-parking-simulation A parking lot management simulation program
- WGS84下大地坐标和UTM坐标系统转换 ,WGS84 to UTM
- 并行代数多重网格算法的fortran! 并行代数多重网格算法的fortran!,parallel algebraic multi-griad method
- 用牛顿插值多项式形式实现分段二次多项式插值,并输出图形,Newton interpolation polynomial with the form of interpolation to achieve sub-quadratic polynomial, and output graphics
- 用幂法与反幂法求矩阵的最大最小特征值,以及与某个值相近的特征值,模最小的特征值,条件数与行列式,Power law with power law and anti-matrix eigenvalues of the max-min, as well as the characteristics of a value similar to the value of the smallest modulus eigenvalue condition number and determinant
- 该算法是张青复与周爱民的基于RM-MEDA算法的程序,该程序可用于优化MOP问题,The algorithm is complex and Ai-Min Zhou Qing-based algorithm RM-MEDA program, the program can be used to optimize the MOP problem
- 用小波求解偏微分方程,特别是椭圆形偏微分方程,Wavelet solution of partial differential equations, especially elliptic partial differential equations
- TSP问题的求解,分支限界,利用分支限界求TSP问题,TSP Soulution using branch and bound
- 该程序使用FLOYD算法,用来计算任意两点间的最短距离和最短路径,FLOYD algorithm using the program for the calculation of any of the shortest distance between two points and the shortest path
- 运筹学是经济学、管理学的基础学科,本源码利用原始单纯性法求解线性规划问题。 ,Operations research in economics, management of basic subjects, the source code using the original method of simple linear programming problem.
- 线性规划算法的改进与在企业管理中的应用 本文首先介绍了线性规划问题中单纯形法和两阶段法的算法改进,并对这两种方法进行了分析并进行举例说明。然后对线性规划增减约束条件的灵敏度进行分析。最后说明线性规划在企业管理中的应用。,Linear programming algorithm to improve corporate governance in the application of this article first introduced the problem of linear prog
- acm算法设计 设有n件工作分配给n个人。将工作i 分配给第j 个人所需的费用为Cij。试设计一个算法,为每一个人都分配1 件不同的工作,并使总费用达到最小。 设计一个算法,对于给定的工作费用,计算最佳工作分配方案,使总费用达到最小。 输入:第一行有1 个正整数n (1≤n≤30)。接下来的n行,每行n个数,表示工作费用。 输出:最小总费用。 例输入: 3 10 2 3 2 3 4 3 4 5 例输出:9,acm algorithm design with n pieces
- 万年历的实现算法,和万年历的C语言源代码,Calendar of the realization of algorithms, and the calendar of the C language source code