- 自己实现的栈,包括push,pop,empty等各种算法。-my stack class.It has been compiled successfully and it has all the methods required such as push,pop and so on.
- 飞机订票系统,包含订票和退票等功能,数据结构编程-Aircraft booking system, including the booking and refund functions, data structures Programming
- 队列源代码,实现了对列的基本函数,可直接用于开发-queue class,it has been compiled successfully.
- 该数据结构代码包括单链表的简单应用,包括寻找最短路径或是对图进行不同的遍历等。-Code the data structure including a single list of simple applications, including the search for the shortest path or on the map such as different traversal.
- 数据结构 关于5层电梯的模拟 希望对学习数据结构的同学们有一点帮助-Data structure on the 5-story elevator Simulation data structures want to learn a little of the students to help
- 通过链表的插入和删除实现约瑟夫环,熟练掌握数据结构的基础内容.-Through the linked list insertion and deletion of the achievement of Joseph Wan, the master data structure based on content.
- 堆栈的初始化,判空,元素入栈,出站等基本操作以熟练掌握数据结构基本内容.-Stack initialization, contractors air,入栈elements, the basic operation of the station in order to master the basic content of the data structure.
- 创建二叉树,然后先序,中序,后序遍历二叉树中的各元素.-Create a binary tree, and then the first order, in sequence, after the tree traversal of the element.
- 中序遍历源代码,方便查询,可以自行更改,逻辑性强-Ergodic source code in order to facilitate inquiries, you can make changes
- 直接引入 可以像int一样操作 跟Java里的好像 但好用多了 而且是加速版的,比用字符串写的还快(用vector<int>) 还附了些奇怪的函式 有兴趣自己写BigNumber的人可以参考看看 -Can be directly introduced to operate with the same as int in Java but it seems the more useful it is to speed up version of, than to
- 宽度优先搜索算法八数码问题代码: 把起始节点放到OPEN表中(如果该起始节点为一目标节点,则求得一个解答)-Breadth-first search algorithm eight issues digital code: the start node on OPEN table (if the start node as a target node, then find an answer)
- 抽象数据类型复数的实现,需构建复数的表示形式,复数的输出,以及复数的加法、乘法和减法。-Abstract data type of the realization of the plural, the plural of that required to build the form, the output of the plural and the plural of the adder, multiplication and subtraction.