- You can learn how to dock form, how to make restrictive text box, write to registry, add extra methods to strings and etc. Also there is included a free calculator.
- 飞机订票系统,为便于旅客由售票点代替火车站负责为旅客卖票,售票点把预定火车票的旅客信息,包括姓名、性别、工作单位、身份证号码、旅行时间、旅行目的地,输入火车票预定系统的客户端程序,系统经过查询火车站内的数据服务器后,为旅客确认有无所需火车票,现场打印出火车票,旅客交款后取票,系统校对无误后即印出机票给旅客。 要求系统能有效、快速、安全、可靠和无误的完成上述操作。-Aircraft booking system, in order to facilitate the passengers from
- this progeam is algorithm of simple method. for example linkedlist, circularlinkedlist,stack.
- 二维电磁场数值模拟程序,程序采用吸收边界条件,可以模拟不同环境下,电磁场的传播.-2D simulation program for electricmagnetic field
- PID Controller Design and Tuning with MATLAB and Simulink-This demo file shows new capabilities for PID Controller design and tuning in MATLAB and Simullink
- Hydraulic Fluid Part of a hydraulic tool box to generalize the hydraulic system simulation. The outcome of the block are a global hydraulic fluid variables based on the current system pressure and temperature-Part of a hydraulic tool box to generaliz
- This example application shows you how to use Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder to target a dual core Blackfin microprocessor. The complete build is managed by a template makefile and control over the memory regions is provided by custom storage clas
- Euler算法Euler改进算法龙格库塔算法三节ADAMS算法,在C#环境下实现-Euler algorithm for Euler Algorithm Runge-Kutta algorithm for three ADAMS algorithm, in the C# environment to achieve
- A palindrome is a string which reads the same from the beginning to the end than from the end to the beginning (whitespaces are not considered). Implemented a function to check whether a given string is a palindrome.
- Arithmetic expression parser Descr iption: The code includes a portable tokenizer like the StreamTokenizer in Java. It parses and interprets an arithmetic expression expressed in a flexible C-like syntax.-Arithmetic expression parser Descr iption
- 在一个一维数组里找出连续的几个数,使数的总和最大,计算最大子段-In a one-dimensional array of several successive years to find out the number, so that the sum of the number of the largest sub-segment calculating the maximum
- 装箱问题解法集,共5个。 问题:有一个箱子容量为v(正整数,o≤v≤20000),同时有n个物品(o≤n≤30),每个物品有一个体积 (正整数)。要求从 n 个物品中,任取若千个装入箱内,使箱子的剩余空间为最小。 -Bin-packing problem solution sets, a total of 5. Q: Is there a box capacity of v (a positive integer, o ≤ v ≤ 20000), at the same time there