- 生成给定分布律的随机数 % r=specrnd(x,p)返回一个来自分布律P(x)=p的随机数 % r=specrnd(x,p,m,n)返回m*n随机数矩阵 % p的默认值为等概率-Generate a given distribution law of random number r = specrnd (x, p) returns a from the distribution law P (x) = p of the random number r = specrnd (x,
- 这是一个用C语言编写的贪心算法程序,很好的模拟了这个算法。-This is a use of C language procedures greedy algorithm, a good simulation of the algorithm.
- 用动态规划法计算目标函数最小化的优化程序,实用性很强。-Using dynamic programming method to calculate the objective function to minimize the optimization process, are very practical.
- 3层BP网络,由于用纯C编写,效率高。输入层,隐层,输出层个数均可以自行调节-3-layer BP network, as with the preparation of pure C, and high efficiency. Input layer, hidden layer, the number of output layer can be self-regulating
- 动态规划算法的应用 数塔问题 给定一个数塔,其存储形式为如下所示的下三角矩阵。在此数塔中,从顶部出发,在每一节点可以选择向下走还是向右走,一直走到底层。请找出一条路径,使路径上的数值和最大。 输入样例(数塔): 9 15 10 6 8 2 18 9 5 19 7 10 4 16 输出样例(最大路径和): 59 -Application of dynamic programming algorithm for a given number of tow
- ACM大学生程序设计大赛湖南省第三届赛区大赛题目-ACM Collegiate Programming Contest third place in Hunan Province Competition Title
- betsy tour问题的详解,适合做acm的同学-betsy tour explain the problem, suitable for students acm
- 一维数据的盒维算法,计算速度快,精度高。数据量建议大于1024个-One-dimensional data box dimension algorithm, calculation speed and high accuracy. The amount of data is greater than the proposed 1024
- 牛顿迭代法的C++ 算法,通过初始值和原方程进行有限次迭代,就可以得到接近真实值的解-Newton iteration of the C++ Algorithm, through the initial value and the original equation limited iterations, you can get closer to the true value of the solution
- 使用遗传算法对BP网络权值阈值进行优化,再用BP算法训练网络.-The use of genetic algorithm to the right of BP network to optimize the threshold value, and then BP algorithm for training the network.
- 使用遗传算法对BP网络权值阈值进行优化,再用BP算法训练网络.-The use of genetic algorithm to the right of BP network to optimize the threshold value, and then BP algorithm for training the network.
- 百度之星07年的一道水果分类问题,用等价类划分的算法实现了-Baidu Star in 2007 together with the fruit classification of equivalence classes with the division algorithm