- 老版本遗传算法源代码,可以保存进新版本进行调用(The old version of the genetic algorithm source code)
- csma仿真示例,包括了多种csma的场景与仿真模块,并将吞吐量与节点数量按照响应的比例呈现出了(CSMA simulation example, including a variety of CSMA scenarios and simulation modules, and the number of throughput and nodes in response to the proportion of presentation.)
- 4层小波分解,信号分解时域图,信号的频谱(4 layer wavelet decomposition,Signal decomposition time domain diagram,signal spectrum)
- 计算光纤包层有效折射率,利用公式编程,该程序是利用是图解法得到包层模有效折射率(The effective refractive index of the fiber cladding is calculated. The program is programmed with the formula. The program uses the graphic method to obtain the effective refractive index of the cladding die.)
- 利用Fisher准则计算两类数据间的类间离散矩阵和类内离散矩阵(Using Fisher criterion to calculate inter class discrete matrix and intra class discrete matrix between two classes of data)
- 数字图像处理仿真,在复杂背景环境下提取出车辆牌照上的信息(Extraction of information on vehicle license plate in complex background environment)
- 图形的放大截取处理,matlab中画的任何图形都可以用这个程序来放大,放大之后的图形会自动生成相应的坐标系。(The magnification of the graph is taken, and any figure drawn in matlab can be amplified by this program, and the corresponding coordinate system will be automatically generated after the zoom.)
normal copula
- 包含: NormalCopula_cdf.m NormalCopula_CL.m NormalCopula_pdf.m(NormalCopula_cdf.m NormalCopula_CL.m NormalCopula_pdf.m)
- 这是一个应用了模拟退火算法的来解决最短距离的问题的程序,基础适合初次接触模拟退火算法缺实例程序的同学(This is a program about mohu in the shortest route between the cities using some sub- program.Maybe this is easy to understand for the freshman as a part in the basic knowledge but this is also a goo
- 蚁群算法,可运行的MATLAB程序,非本人原创(Ant Colony Algorithm)
- 神经网络浮雕化处理,神经网络对图像的处理(Robust Design and Research Based on CNN Embossing Effect)
- 基于FDTD的一维麦克斯韦方程求解。 可以根据自身需要设计激励位置,激励信号,传播空间电学参数,方便新手学习FDTD。(The solution of one dimensional Maxwell equation based on FDTD. It can be designed to motivate the position according to its own needs, to stimulate the signal, to transmit the space electri