- Multivac-1.10.1 Multivac 的Level set包
- mexopencv-master Collection and a development kit of MATLAB MEX functions for OpenCV library The package provides MATLAB MEX functions that interface a hundred of OpenCV APIs. Also the package contains C++ class that converts between MATLAB s native data type and OpenCV data types. The package is suitable for fast prototyping of OpenCV application in MATLAB
- Getting-Started-with-MATLAB 本书以MATLAB 7为版本
- 一个修改之后,技能相机 的 控制软件!很不错,After an amendment, skills, camera control software! Good
- 几乎所有关于数字相机仿真的英文论文,很有科研价值- English paper about Simulation of digital camera。Great scientific value。
- 基于依赖的英文词法分析器, 能分出词的此性,句子单词的关系-The program is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The
- MFC工程的哈弗曼压缩和解压以及多项式的运算。-Huffman compression and decompression as well as polynomial arithmetic.
- matalAB 编程基础和实例, 挺不错的, 代码可用。-matalAB Programming Fundamentals and examples, very good, code is available.
- 赵育新Fluent使用心得,包括Fluent网格设置、边界条件设置、基本物理模型、求解方法等涉及fluent计算的问题,是全面了解fluent计算流程的好帮手。,ZHAO Yuxin-Fluent use of experiences, including Fluent grid setup, boundary conditions set, the basic physical model, methods for solving the problems involved in calcul
- 人工神经网络建造,从生物神经元入手,详细讲解了人工神经网络的分布系统模型和人工神经网络的其他模型以及大规模神经网络的实现。-artificial neural network construction, biological neurons from the start. details on the artificial neural network model of the distribution system and artificial neural network model and
- 一个自己编的稀疏表示分类程序(SRC),以帮助了解SRC的原理和算法。-A self sparse representation classification (SRC) program, to help understand the principles and algorithms of the SRC.
- 单次快拍实现DOA的估计,“Modified UCA-ESPRIT and Modified UCA-ROOT-MUSIC for Estimating Doa of Coherent Signals Using One Snapshot.pdf”文章的配套代码-Modified UCA-ESPRIT and Modified UCA-ROOT-MUSIC for Estimating Doa of Coherent Signals Using One Snapshot.pdf”its code
- MATLAB命令大全。可以帮助广大初学者学习使用matlab。-MATLAB command Daquan. Can help the beginners to learn how to use matlab
- matlab的 课件及其他工程上有用东西-matlab engineering and other useful staff