- 六边形蜂窝自动建模插件,能在abaqus中自动建立蜂窝模型(Hexagonal honeycomb automatic modeling plug-in)
- 基于FX预测滤波算法的地震数据随机噪声压制计算方法程序(FX prediction filtering for seismic data)
- 目标检测matlab例程,亲测可运行,含ppt解释。(Matlab routine for target detection, which can be run by hand test, including ppt interpretation.)
Game Mode_algorithml
- 代码中给出了两种古诺双寡头竞争博弈模型计算。(Cournot Duopoly Competition Game Models)
CS_algorithm -
- 给出了布谷鸟算法的原始代码,逐行进行解释说明,浅显易懂;对原始布谷鸟算法代码进行了改进。(The original code of the cuckoo algorithm is given, which is explained line by line and easy to understand. The original cuckoo algorithm code is improved.)
Spectral Methods in Matlab
- 采用谱元法计算声传播问题,带matlab代码(spectral method used for wave transmission problems, with matlab code)
2015Sample Source Code 1D SAFE
- 采用半解析有限元法计算各向异性板中的导波,有理论有代码(using semi-anlytical FEM calculating the guided wave in plate and other structures, with theory and code)
- using comsol livelink with matlab 计算一维声子晶体中的特征值特征向量(using comsol livelink with matlab calculating the eigenvalues and eigenvectors in 1d phononic strip)
- 计算各向同性板中的兰姆波,采用comsol livelink with matlab(calculating lamb wave in isotropic plate, using comsol livelink with matlab)
- 使用matlab调用refprop,计算各种制冷剂工质的物性数据(refprop used in matlab)
- 用于生成带噪声的无人机飞行轨迹,同时通过中值和小波滤波方式进行噪声去除(It is used to generate the flight path of UAV with noise and remove the noise by means of median and wavelet filtering)
- 变分模态分解方法能够使一个多频带的故障信号,分解出具有单个频带的子信号,然后使用共振解调方法可实现故障信号的诊断。(VMD method can decompose a multi band fault signal into a single band sub signal, and then use resonance demodulation method to realize fault signal diagnosis.)