dynamic knapsack
- 该程序用动态规划解决经典的背包问题,虽然它的效率与分支定界法比起来,还是有一定的差距,但它的简洁性却是无与伦比的.-the program with dynamic programming solution to the classic knapsack problem, although its efficiency and branch and bound over, there is still a certain gap, but its simplicity is incomparab
gelei generator
- 该程序用递归的方法产生格雷码序列,它需要一定的额外的空间.-the procedures used recursive methods Gray code sequence, it needs the additional space.
gelei combination
- 该程序用格雷码来生成组合数序列,它比一般的方法要快,这是由格雷码的分布特性所决定的.-the procedures used to generate Gray code sequence portfolio, it generally means than to be fast, it was a Gray code distribution by the decision.
- 该程序是分布计数排序,它是我所见过的各种排序方法中最快的,它的时间复杂度为O(n),但是这种排序适用于已知待排序列的上下限,并且如果上限与下限的差值比较大的话,空间消耗也比较大.-distribution of the program is counting sequencing, it is I have seen the fastest sorting methods, it's time complexity of O (n), but this sort known to be
- 二叉树的各种遍历。递归和非递归遍历以及层次遍历。-the binary tree traversal. And recursive and non - recursive traversal level traverse.
- 是一个算法的小小汇总,使用vb语言编写,适合初学者学习。-algorithm is a little summary, the use of vb language, suitable for beginners to learn.
- 防止密码被非法获取
- 惠普实验室的经典代码。用于huffman编码的快速实现,具有参考价值-HP Labs classic code. Huffman coding for the rapid realization of value with reference
- 这个一些经典的数据挖掘matlab源程序,比较全。-some of the classic source Matlab data mining, comparative whole.
improved mergesort
- 这是一个改进了自顶向下的归并排序,它改进的地方主要有:采用小子文件截止的机制,当序列长度小于32时,采用直接插入排序;对归并的内循环作了优化,判断的次数更少。-This is an improvement from a top-down sort of merger, it improved the main : the deadline for the paper boy mechanism, the length of the sequence is less than 32, the us
- 该程序用于计算幂积,它比普通的连乘方法要快得多,主要是它含有分治的思想。-the procedures used in the calculation of power plot, it more than ordinary continually multiply much faster method, it is the partition containing the idea.
- 很不错的哦C常用算法程序集-徐士良 -very good oh C procedures commonly used algorithm set-XU Shi-liang C algorithms commonly used procedures set-XU Shi-liang