- 数据压缩源代码和VC中使用DEMO,能够压缩内存数据。- Data compression source code and a demo by VC that can compress data in memory.
- gif图像的编解码实现,在vc环境下直接编译即可!-realization of gif graphic compression/decompression,which can be compiled in VC environment.
- DCT离散余弦变换编码和解码,利用vc对bmp图像实行变换,可以对变换和恢复后的结果进行保存和观看比较结果-the program of DCT coding and decoding.It is used to transform bmp to jpg.you can compare the original bmp to transformed jpg
- 声音的线性预测编码和解码,利用vc的函数直接从mic采集数据或者操作wav文件进行压缩和解压,别情提供回访比较功能。-sound linear forecasting coding and decoding,make use of vc library directly to collect data or operate wav file to compress or decompress ,provide compression function.
- 用C语言实现了LZ77算法。程序独特之处在于使用了64KB大小的固定长度窗口,利用此方法可分块压缩数据。-realize LZ77 algorithm by C language.Specially program uses a 64k stable length window.It can compress data by block by using this method.
- gzip源码,用于压缩,在unix下使用的主流压缩工具,建议参考-it is used to compact files in unix.It is recommended.
- 哈夫曼压缩程序,实现了文件加读取,对文本文件的压缩率与rar差不多,读学习c/c++的朋友非常有用-huffman compression program, which realizes folder access and compressing rate is the same to rar when compressing text file
- zlib 1.2.2 is a general purpose data compression library. All the code is thread safe. The data format used by the zlib library is described by RFCs (Request for Comments) 1950 to 1952 in the files http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1950.txt (zlib format), r
- 把信息写到自身的Exe文件中,并能读取,可用它进行一些软件的加密和保护-may write information into the EXE file itself and also can read. It may be used in software protection and encription.
- 流的压缩和解压 说明:适用文件压缩、图象压缩等 调用ZLib单元的方法实现-A tool for bit stream compression and decompression. It may be used in coding of text and images, realized by Zlib unit method.
一个在MFC环境中使用的 InfoZip打包类
- 一个在MFC环境中使用的 InfoZip打包类,使用时需包含UNZDLL.DLL和ZIPDLL.DLL两个动态链接库-an environment in the use of the SDK package type, use and the need to contain UNZDLL.DLL ZIPDLL.DLL two dynamic link library
- 一种改进的huaffman算法,压缩效率不错的喔!!来看看ba:)-an improved huffman algorithm, which has a perfect compression efficiency.