- 创建二叉树和实现二叉树的三种遍历 根据提示输入字符型数据创建二叉树,输入值为所有字符型数据 输出为遍历后的每个结点的值的顺序 创建二叉树并能实现二叉树的先序、中序、后序遍历 -Create a binary tree and binary tree traversal three Create a binary input is all character data prompted, enter the character data The output value o
- 可以实现个人通讯录的简单管理,包括添加,查找,删除联系人信息的C语言源代码-You can implement simple management of personal contacts, including add, find, delete contact information of C language source code
- 近期学习数据结构,学习了队列的思想,队列的存储主要是先进先出的原则,程序实现了队列的创建,以及出队和入队的一些常用算法。-Recent study data structure, study the idea of the queue, the queue memory is mainly the FIFO principle, the program enables the creation of queues, and some commonly used algorithms and th
- 数据结构的核心一定要学好链表,链表的是用动态分配内存的方式,在节点之间进行操作的,本程序主要由链表的初始化,增删查改等功能。-Core data structure must learn the list, the list is dynamically allocates memory between nodes operate, the program mainly by the initialization list of additions and deletions to change
- 数据结构的思想,模块化编程,实现数组的动态创建,增加元素,删除元素,遍历数组等等功能。-Thinking, modular programming data structures, dynamic creation of the array, add elements, remove elements, through the array and more.
- 收集了大量的C++排序算法源码,有需要的可以下载-Collection of a large number of C++ sort algorithm source code, there is a need to download
- 数据结构实验绝对详细可信度很高,练完此套实验,必成大器!-Detailed experimental data structure is absolutely high credibility, had finished this set of experiments, Cheng Kung University!
- 这是我的C++课程设计,主要功能是实现一个学生证的信息管理,包括添加、修改、统计、查询一个学生的信息等功能,内含源代码-This is my C++ curriculum design, the main function is to achieve a student card information management, including add, modify, statistics, query functions such as a student information, inc
- 输入一串字符,并验证其是否为正确的电话号码。长度必须为11位第一位必须为1,第二位为3、5、6、8中得一个,其余位必须为0-9中的一个数-nter a string of characters, and verify that the correct phone number. Length must be 11, the first must be 1, the second was a bit of 3,5,6,8 in the rest position must be a number
- 大整数,蛮力破解,分治法,改进分治法。程序清晰易懂,有利于帮助理解-Large integer, brute-force, divide and conquer, divide and conquer improvements. Clear and understandable procedures, could help to understand
- 数据结构和各类算法实现中排序算法最为常用,为了解决冒泡排序时间较长的不足进行了双向冒泡排序,加快数据计算。-Data structures and various algorithms most commonly used in sorting algorithm, in order to solve the shortage bubble sort longer be a two-way bubble sort, faster data calculations.
- LIST排序,合并,移除重合部分和tree 降序 删除-list sorted merge remove duplicated and tree show descending delete