- 该代码功用是对数据进行去噪处理,内含3种去噪的方法,可读性高,实用性强-The code function is to deal with the noise of the data, containing three denoising methods, high readability, strong practicability
- 堆的实现通过构造二叉堆(binary heap),实为二叉树的一种 由于其应用的普遍性,当不加限定时,均指该数据结构的这种实现。-Heap by constructing a binary heap (binary heap), is actually a binary tree due to the universality of its application, the time when unqualified, refer to the data structure to achiev
- 2000个随机数存入链表,并查找给定数值,显示在第几个,外加程序运行时间-2000 random numbers into the list, and look for a given value, shown in the first few, plus running time
- 关于约瑟夫问题的一系类问题求解,欢迎借鉴-A series of questions about Joseph kind of problem solving, welcome to learn
- 广工数据结构实验-(无向图)基于邻接数组的无向图的接口实现(含源代码+实验报告+可执行程序)(Data structure experiment - (undirected graph) interface implementation of undirected graph based on adjacency array (including source code + experiment report + executable program))
- This very simple. The names and values we want are already in-This is very simple. The names and values we want are already in
- 数据结构和C语言的电子书,比较适合初学者自学和复习。-Data structures and C language books, self-study and review more suitable for beginners.
- 自己在学习数据结构过程中,优化总结的数据结构经典排序算法-基数排序算法源码,附带详细注释行-Own data structure in the learning process, summarize data structure optimized classic sorting algorithms- fast sorting algorithm source code, with a detailed comment line
- vs2010下c语言编写,有n个台阶一次可以跳一台阶也可以跳两台阶问一共有几种跳法!本程序已经在九度AC-vs2010 under the c language, there are n steps one can jump a step jump two steps can also be asked a total of several jumps! This procedure has been in nine degrees AC
- 算法设计与分析的 第3章 动态规划2(本章分两部分)-Algorithm Design and Analysis of Dynamic Programming Chapter 3 (2)
- 图论部分的MPI源码,包括传递闭包、连通分量、最短路径和最小生成树,附带说明和测试用例-Graph Theory part of the MPI source code, including the transitive closure, connected components, shortest path and minimum spanning tree, with instructions and test cases
- 希尔排序 希尔排序是一种不稳定的排序算法,用c++编写,希望给初学者以帮助-Hill Hill sort sort are an unstable sorting algorithm using c++ to prepare, I hope to help give beginners