- 实现多项式的加减乘除等操作,输出最总结果。可运行-Achieve polynomial operations such as addition, subtraction, output the most general results. Can run
- 一个简单的迷宫的算法,输入迷宫数组,自动计算迷宫路径-A simple maze algorithm, input array maze, maze path automatically calculated
- 数据结构的c++描述,运用c++语言描述-Data structures in C++ descr iption, the use of C++ language to describe
- 本文讨论标定两台数码相机的数学模型和算法。为了达到这个目的,本文根据不同的背景建立了两个模型。-This article discusses the calibration of two digital cameras, the mathematical models and algorithms. To this end, the paper under the background of the establishment of two different models.
- list的实现和排序,生成数据并测试,以及性能评估,源码注释-Sort list of achievement and to generate and test data, as well as performance evaluation, source notes
- 算法实验矩阵连乘问题,八皇后问题,骑士游历问题,字符串插入“+”,求最大利润的动态规划和回溯算法-Experimental matrix multiplication algorithm even question the eight queens problem, Knight traveled problem, the string is inserted " +" , seeking to maximize profits and backtracking dynamic
- linux下的一个二叉树和四叉树联合数据的实现C++,也可移植到VC下,包括了makefile文件,直接make即可-achieve C++ a linux binary tree and quadtree under the joint data can also be ported to VC, including the makefile file, you can directly make
- 二叉树遍历:构建一个二叉树,输出结点信息,二叉树前序遍历,中序遍历,后续遍历,层次遍历。-Binary Tree Traversal: build a binary tree, the output node information before, binary tree traversal in preorder traversal, the follow-up traverse the hierarchy traversal.
- 这是一个简单的在VC6.0下两个数组求交集的程序-get the intersection of two number groups
saher 顺序表逆置
- 习题 顺序表逆置:1. 设有一个线性表E={e1, e2, … , en-1, en},设计一个算法,将线性表逆置,即使元素排列次序颠倒过来,成为逆线性表E’={ en , en-1 , … , e2 , e1 }--Problem reverse the order of the table is set: 1. There is a linear form E = {e1, e2, ..., en-1, en}, design an algorithm to linear inverse s
- 吉林大学. ACM/ICPC 代码库,关于图论、数据结构、网络流、树论、递归方法求解排列组合问题,以及ACM/ICPC之STL.-Jilin University. ACM/ICPC code base, on the graph theory, data structures, network flows, the tree of recursive method for solving permutation and combination, as well as ACM/ICPC of t
- 输入一个中序的表达式(比如:a*(b+c)-d) 将这个表达式构建一棵二叉树,然后打印出来就是.-Input a sequence of expression (for example: a* (b+ c)-d) Will this expression building a tree binary tree, then it is printed