- 航班查询系统,用C语言写的,用的数据结构等基础知识,可无错误编译运行-Flight inquiry system, written in C language, the use of basic knowledge of data structures, etc. that can be compiled to run without errors
- 实现链队列的基本运 2. 采用循环队列实现队列的各种基本运算。 3. 停车场管理 -Chain to achieve the basic operation of the queue 2. Using circular queue queue to achieve the various basic operations. 3. Parking Management
- 1.实现二叉树的下列运算: [1]输入一个二叉树的先序序列,生成二叉树的二叉链表 [2]显示其先序、中序和后序遍历结果。 [3]计算二叉树的叶子结点数。 [4]求二叉树的深度 2.编程实现二叉树的层次遍历 3.哈夫曼编码-1.operational binary tree: [1] Enter a first sequence binary tree sequence, generating a binary tree binary list [2] show
- 1.输入顶点的个数、边的个数、每个顶点的值以及每一条边的信息,构建一个无向图G,并用邻接矩阵存储该图。 2.深度优先遍历第1步中构造的图G,输出得到的结点序列。 广度同上-Diagram breadth-first traversal&&deep first
- 按关键字从小到大顺序输入一组记录构造查找表,并且输出该查找表; 给定一个关键字值,对所构造的查找表分别进行顺序查找和折半查找,输出查找的结果以及查找过程中“比较”操作的执行次数。 -Press the key sequence input small to large lookup table constructed a set of records, and the output of the look-up table Given a key value of the con
- 输入一组记录构造一棵二叉排序树,并且输出这棵二叉排序树的中序序列 给定一个关键字值,对所构造的二叉排序树进行查找,并输出查找的结果。 -Enter a group of records a binary sort tree structure, sequence and output sequence tree binary sort tree Given a key value of the constructed binary sort tree search, and ou
- 求最长上升\下降\非上升\非下降的刷表法-Seeking maximum rise \ fall \ Philippines rise \ fall Philippines brush table method
- C语言实现的数据结构中二叉树的前序遍历、中序遍历和后序遍历以及几种排序算法-C language data structure binary tree before preorder, preorder and postorder and several sorting algorithm
- 插入排序在实现上,通常采用in-place排序(即只需用到O(1)的额外空间的排序),因而在从后向前扫描过程中,需要反复把已排序元素逐步向后挪位,为最新元素提供插入空间。- Insertion sort in the implementation, is usually used in place sorting (i.e., only need to sort of O (1) extra space). Therefore in the forward scan process a
- 选择排序也是一种简单直观的排序算法。它的工作原理很容易理解:首先在未排序序列中找到最小(大)元素,存放到排序序列的起始位置;然后,再从剩余未排序元素中继续寻找最小(大)元素,放到已排序序列的末尾。以此类推,直到所有元素均排序完毕。-Selection sort is a simple and intuitive sort algorithm. Its working principle is easy to understand: first in the unsorted sequence t
- 冒泡排序是一种极其简单的排序算法,也是我所学的第一个排序算法。它重复地走访过要排序的元素,一次比较相邻两个元素,如果他们的顺序错误就把他们调换过来,直到没有元素再需要交换,排序完成。-Bubble sort is a simple sorting algorithm, sorting algorithm is first learned by me. It repeatedly visited to sort the elements, a comparison of the two adjac
- 桶排序也叫箱排序。工作的原理是将数组分到有限数量的桶子里,每个桶子再个别排序(有可能再使用别的排序算法或是以递归方式继续使用桶排序进行排序)。- Bucket sort is also called sorting box. Work principle is that the array to a limited number of bucket, each bucket and individual ranking (may use other sorting algorithms