- It is the source code of the Heap Sort in C++. which is a data structure.-It is the source code of the Heap Sort in C++. which is a data structure.
- It is the source code of Merge Sort in C++ which is a data structure-It is the source code of Merge Sort in C++ which is a data structure
- It is the source code of Insertion Sort in C++. which is a data structure.-It is the source code of Insertion Sort in C++. which is a data structure.
- It is a source code of Linear Search in C++. Liner Search is a data structure.-It is a source code of Linear Search in C++. Liner Search is a data structure.
- 采用C++编写的二叉排序树,篇幅不长,代码简洁,同样可实现数据的快速排序-Written using C++ binary sort tree, it was not long, the code is simple, the same sort of data can be achieved quickly
- 数据结构中的线性表的实现,有顺序表和链表等几种实现方式-Data structure in linear form, sequential, such as tables and lists several ways
- 矩阵的加减乘法以及转置,运用模板重载,有double及int两种矩阵
- 包含多个C++源代码文件,简单的继承、结构控制、结构体运用、IO格式控制等-Source code file that contains multiple C++ simple inheritance, structure control, the use of structures, IO format control, etc.
- 数据结构平衡的二叉搜索树(AVL树)的实现。 程序中包括平衡的二叉搜索树(AVL)类定义、左单旋,右单旋,左右双旋,右左双旋函数。-Data structure balanced binary search tree (AVL tree) implementation. Program includes a balanced binary search tree (AVL) class definition, single-spin left and right single spin
- 数据结构图的邻接矩阵的实现。 包括构造函数、返回边(v1,v2)上的权值的函数、在图的顶点表中插入一个新顶点的函数、在带权图中插入一条边的函数、给出顶点位置为v的第一个邻接顶点的位置的函数、给出顶点v的邻接顶点w的下一个邻接顶点的位置的函数、在图中删除一条边的函数、在图中删除一个指定顶点v, v是顶点号的函数等优质函数。-Data Structure adjacency matrix. Including the constructor function that returns th
- 数据结构最大堆的实现。 里面包含了最大堆的下滑调整算法、最大堆的上滑调整算法、将x插入到最大堆中的函数、最大堆的删除算法。-Data structure to achieve maximum heap. Which contains the largest decline heap adjustment algorithm, the biggest pile of slip adjustment algorithm, the x is inserted into the largest
- 数据结构二叉树的实现。 里面包含了二叉树类、求二叉树的高的函数、判断二叉树是否为空的函数、寻找某元素的函数、求元素数量的函数、找左右子树的函数,找根函数的函数、输出函数等众多实现方法。-Binary tree data structure to achieve. Which contains a binary tree class, high-demand binary function to determine whether the binary tree is empty fun