- 用C语言Huffman程序源码,适于数据压缩和数据编码研究方面进行参考,变换方法即可实现各种数据的压缩-Performed using C language reference Huffman program source code, suitable for data compression and coding research data transformation method can achieve a variety of data compression
- 关于数据结构中链表的基础知识,包括链表的排序,插入,删除等-Linked list data structure on the basis of knowledge, including the list of the sort, insert, delete, etc.
- 一个用来统计在线用户数量的程序,支持多线程调用。-A number of online users for statistical procedures, support for multi-threaded calls.
- 链表操作演示示例程序,只是做演示说明,方便链表学习者入门用的。-Chain operations demo program, just do presentations, facilitate entry list learners use.
- 堆的实现通过构造二叉堆(binary heap),实为二叉树的一种 由于其应用的普遍性,当不加限定时,均指该数据结构的这种实现。-Heap by constructing a binary heap (binary heap), is actually a binary tree due to the universality of its application, the time when unqualified, refer to the data structure to achiev
- 算法分析与设计电路布线问题,通过二维数组模拟一个电路布线最短路径问题-Algorithm analysis and design of the circuit wiring problem, simulating a circuit wiring through a two-dimensional array of the shortest path problem
- 平衡二叉树它是一 棵空树或它的左右两个子树的高度差的绝对值不超过1,并且左右两个子树都是一棵平衡二叉树。-The absolute value of difference in height which is balanced binary tree or a tree left empty subtrees not more than 1, and the left and right sub-trees are balanced binary tree.
- 散列表根据关键码值(Key value)而直接进行访问的数据结构,通过把关键码值映射到表中一个位置来访问记录,以加快查找的速度。-According to the value of the hash table key (Key value) directly access the data structure to access the record by the key values to the mapping table in a position to sp
- 图的遍历动态演示程序,通过鼠标操作实现对图的创建、删除和修改。有无向图和有向图,可以自动生成图。实现了图的广度优先遍历和深度优先遍历。这都是动态图形演示的,而且配合代码来执行,可以做到类似调试代码的效果来查看图的动态演示。-Dynamic graph traversal demo program, to achieve the creation of the map by mouse operation, delete, and modify. Have to map and directed
- 目前最全的清华严蔚敏版数据结构的ppt讲义-Currently the most comprehensive lectures ppt Min Yan Tsinghua version of the data structure
- 数据结构与算法的深度解析 数据结构与算法的深度解析-Depth analysis of the data structures and algorithms depth analysis of data structures and algorithms depth analysis of data structures and algorithms
- 经典清华大学出版严蔚敏版数据结构的全部书中代码,每个章节都有-All the classic book publishing code Tsinghua Yan Wei-min data structure, each chapter has code