- 一个连通图可以有多个生成树,实际应用中希望所选的生成树的权值总和最小,这就是最小生成树的问题。代码实现用Kruskal算法实现求解最小生成树。-A connected graph can have multiple spanning tree, hope in the actual application of the selected total weight minimum spanning tree, this is the minimum spanning tree problem. C
- 判定给定字符向量是否为回文(从左向右读和从右向左读相同的字符序列)。-Determine whether a given character vector palindrome (reading from left to right and right to left reading the same sequence of characters).
- A、B、C为三个元素之递增有序的线性表,对A作如下运算,删去既在B中出现又在C中出现的元素。分别以顺序存储结构和链式存储结构实现。-A, B, C for the three elements of increasing order linear list, to make the following operation, A cut in B and appear in C elements. With sequential storage structure and chain store
- 单链表中的数据元素含有三种字符(字母、数字、其他字符),算法实现构造三个循环链表,是每个循环链表中只含有同一类字符,且利用原表中的结点空间作为这三个表的结点空间。-Singly linked lists of data element contains three characters (letters, Numbers and other characters), the algorithm constructs three circular linked list, each cycle l
- 单链表L中的结点是按值非递减有序排列,算法实现将值为x的结点插入表L中,使得L仍然有序。-Nodes in a single linked list L is non-decreasing ordered by value, the algorithm will node is inserted into the table L x such that L remains orderly.
- 七种常用的排序方法:冒泡排序,直接插入排序,直接选择排序,希尔排序,归并排序,快速排序和堆排序。 在DEV C++上可运行-Seven Sort Algorithm, including BubbleSort, InsertSort, SelectSort, ShellSort, MergerSort, QuickSort, HeapSort.
- 将复杂网络连边关系转换为.vgr格式,以便导入pajek进行拓扑结构分析-The complex network of relationships even convert edge. Vgr format to be imported topology analysis pajek
- 一本书的页码从自然数1开始顺序编码直到自然数n。书的页码按照通常的习惯编排,每个页码都不含多余的前导数字0。例如第6页用6表示而不是06或006。数字统计问题要求对给定书的总页码,计算出书的全部页码中分别用到多少次数字0,1,2,3,.....9。-A book page from the coding sequence of natural numbers starting at 1 until the natural number n. Book page layout according
- 数据结构最经典的应用例子—通信录的实现。利用了链式结构的链表,适合开始接触数据结构的同学-Application data structure classic example- recorded communications implementation. Students take advantage of the chain structure of the list for getting started with data structures
- 数据结构的简单应用来实现数制转换,利用链式结构实现栈。-Simple application data structures to achieve number system conversion, the use of chain structure to achieve stack.
- 最简单易学的二叉树例子,适合刚开始接触数据结构的同学!-The simplest example of a binary tree to learn, just getting started with a data structure suitable for the students!
- 对任意输入的n和m,求出最后剩下的人的编号。要求利用线性表保存这n个人,分别用公式化、链接、模拟指针三种描述方法实现。 输入:input.txt,两个整数n(3-100),m(1-m)-N and for any input m, the remainder of the determined number of the last. This requires the use of a linear table holds n individuals, respectively formul