- 树的遍历。树的缩格打印、先根遍历,中根遍历,后根遍历的递归非递归调用,交换左右子树递归调用。-Tree traversal. Tree indent printing, the first root traversal, traversing root, root recursive traversal non-recursive calls, switching left and right subtrees recursively.
- 约瑟夫环是一个数学的应用问题:已知n个人(以编号1,2,3...n分别表示)围坐在一张圆桌周围。从编号为k的人开始报数,数到m的那个人出列;他的下一个人又从1开始报数,数到m的那个人又出列;依此规律重复下去,直到圆桌周围的人全部出列。-Josephus is the application of a mathematical problem: Given n individuals (with numbers 1,2,3 ... n, respectively) sitting around a
- 运用堆栈算法实现的可执行计算器,能够计算除 函数外的计算。-Executable stack algorithm using calculator can calculate calculate except outside the function.
- 数据结构图的建立与遍历,广度遍历,深度遍历-Data structure of the establishment and traversal, traverse the breadth and depth traversal
- 大数据与城市计算最好的参考材料,请大家认真阅读和指正。-Big data and calculate the best city reference material, please carefully read and corrected.
- 算法实现汽车加油问题,用贪心算法实现汽车加油问题。-Algorithm vehicle refueling problem and achieve vehicle refueling problem greedy algorithm.
- Represents a data structure that can store certain values, without any particular order, and no repeated values. It is a computer implementation of the mathematical concept of a finite set.
Table on AVL-tree
- Class that represent a table of elements with key and values, implemented using AVL tree.
Sparse matrix
- Represents a matrix without zeros
Hash table
- Represents a collection of key/value pairs that are organized based on the hash code of the key. Implemented by "Separate chaining" where each bucket is independent, and has list of entries with the same index.
- AVL tree - is a self-balancing binary search tree. In an AVL tree, the heights of the two child subtrees of any node differ by at most one
- 参照了算法导论上的介绍,我写的一个并查集的C语言代码。-Referring to the introduction Introduction to Algorithms on, I wrote a C language code and check the set.