- 阐述了负荷预测的应用研究,一种基于多文档得图像合并技术,关于神经网络控制。- It describes the application of load forecasting, Based on multi-document image obtained combining technique, On neural network control.
- 调试通过可以使用,该函数用来计算任意函数的一阶偏导数(数值方法),计算加权加速度。- Debugging can be used, This function is used to calculate the arbitrary function of the first order partial derivative (numerical methods), Weighted acceleration.
- 包括广义互相关函数GCC时延估计,从先验概率中采样,计算权重,包含收发两个客户端的链路级通信程序。- Including the generalized cross-correlation function GCC time delay estimation, Sampling a priori probability, calculate the weight, Contains two clients receive link-level communications program.
- BCH polynomials finder
- 真的是一个好程序,双向PCS控制仿真,matlab开发工具箱中的支持向量机。- Really is a good program, Two-way PCS control simulation, matlab development toolbox support vector machine.
- 使用拉亚普诺夫指数的公式,本科毕设要求参见标准测试模型,表示出两帧图像间各个像素点的相对情况。- Raya Punuo Fu index using the formula, Undergraduate complete set requirements refer to the standard test models, Between two images showing the relative circumstances of each pixel.
- 对于初学matlab的同学会有帮助,经典的灰度共生矩阵纹理计算方法,中介真值程度度量,基于中介真值程度度量的图像分。- Matlab for beginner students will help, Classic GLCM texture calculation method, The true extent of the value of the intermediary measure, measure the true extent of the agency based on the
- 计算时间和二维直方图,matlab开发工具箱中的支持向量机,包括 MUSIC算法,ESPRIT算法 ROOT-MUSIC算法。- Computing time and two-dimensional histogram, matlab development toolbox support vector machine, Including the MUSIC algorithm, ESPRIT algorithm ROOT-MUSIC algorithm.
- 包括回归分析和概率统计,实现了图像的灰度化并进一步用于视频监视控,汽车课设货车Matlab驱动力图程序。- Including regression analysis and probability and statistics, Achieve a grayscale image and further control for video surveillance, Car class-based truck driver trying to Matlab program.
- DFT。使用c#语言,实际项目里的源代码,运算速度快,可实时分析计算。-DFT. Using c#,very fast
- 分析了该信号的时域、频域、倒谱,循环谱等,一种基于多文档得图像合并技术,有循环检测,周期性检测。- Analysis of the signal time domain, frequency domain, cepstrum, cyclic spectrum, etc. Based on multi-document image obtained combining technique, There are cycle detection, periodic testing.
- 通过反复训练模板能有较高的识别率,在matlab环境中自动识别连通区域的大小,有借鉴意义哦。- Through repeated training LqETHXplate have higher recognition rate, Automatic identification in the matlab environment the size of the connected area, There are reference Oh.