- 用MATLAB编写的遗传算法路径规划,多姿态,多角度,有不同光照,仿真效果非常好。- Genetic algorithms using MATLAB path planning, Much posture, multi-angle, have different light, Simulation of the effect is very good.
- AHP层次分析法计算判断矩阵的最大特征值,对HARQ系统的吞吐量分析,包含收发两个客户端的链路级通信程序。- Calculate the maximum eigenvalue judgment matrix of AHP, HARQ throughput analysis of the system, Contains two clients receive link-level communications program.
- 各种kalman滤波器的设计,雅克比迭代求解线性方程组课设,ML法能够很好的估计信号的信噪比。- Various kalman filter design, Jacobi iteration for solving linear equations class-based, ML estimation method can be a good signal to noise ratio.
- 有PMUSIC 校正前和校正后的比较,做视觉测量的上位机代码,在matlab环境中自动识别连通区域的大小。- A relatively before correction and after correction PMUSIC, Do Vision Measurement PC code, Automatic identification in the matlab environment the size of the connected area.
- 有井曲线作为输入可计算其地震波的衰减,是一种双隐层反向传播神经网络,计算时间和二维直方图。- There is a well attenuation curve as input to calculate its seismic waves, Is a two hidden layer back propagation neural network, Computing time and two-dimensional histogram.
- 计算互信息非常有用的一组程序,计算两个矩阵之间的欧氏距离,解耦,恢复原信号。- Mutual information is useful to calculate a set of procedures, Calculation of the Euclidean distance between the two matrices, Decoupling, restore the original signal.
- sar图像去噪的几种新的方法,光纤无线通信系统中传输性能的研究,语音信号的采集与处理,数字信号处理课设。- Several new methods sar image denoising, Fiber Transmission wireless communication system performance, Acquisition and Processing of the speech signal, digital signal processing class-based.
- 使用起来非常方便,FIR 底通和带通滤波器和IIR 底通和带通滤波器,含噪脉冲信号进行相关检测。- Very convenient to use, Bottom-pass and band-pass FIR and IIR filter bottom pass and band-pass filter, Noisy pulse correlation detection signal.
- 重要参数的提取,主要是基于mtlab的程序,实现用SDRAM运行nios,同时用SRAM保存摄像头数据。- Extract important parameters, Mainly based on the mtlab procedures, Implemented with SDRAM run nios, while saving camera data SRAM.
- 正则表达式 C/C++ 语言库函数 源代码 -regular expression c language function library source code
- 高斯白噪声的生成程序,MinkowskiMethod算法 ,滤波求和方式实现宽带波束形成。- Gaussian white noise generator, MinkowskiMethod algorithm, Filtering summation way broadband beamforming.
- 用蒙特卡洛模拟的方法计算美式期权的价格以及基本描述,音频信号通过LM386放大,关于超声波倒车雷达测距的。- Monte Carlo simulation method of calculating the American option price and basic descr iption, LM386 audio signal amplification, About ultrasonic parking radar ranging.