- 代码里有很完整的注释和解释,可实现对二维数据的聚类,主要为数据分析和统计。- Code, there are very complete notes and explanations Can realize the two-dimensional data clustering, Mainly for data analysis and statistics.
- 用MATLAB实现的压缩传感,在matlab R2009b调试通过,GSM中GMSK调制信号的产生。- Using MATLAB compressed sensing, In matlab R2009b debugging through, GSM is GMSK modulation signal generation.
- 信号处理的基础经典书籍,分为基础方法和应用三大部分。主要介绍的生物医学信号的信号处理,非常经典-Signal processing based on the classic books, divided into basic methods and applications of three parts. The main introduction of the biomedical signal signal processing, very classic
- 用MATLAB编写的遗传算法路径规划,有较好的参考价值,Pisarenko谐波分解算法。- Genetic algorithms using MATLAB path planning, There are good reference value, Pisarenko harmonic decomposition algorithm.
- 一种衡量两个长度不同的时间序列的相似度的方法- U4E00 u79R u5C1 u5E9 u5E2
- c++版本的快速傅立叶变换算法,用于实现信号时域和频域的之间的相互转换-C++ u7248 u672C u7684 u5FEB u901F u5085 u7ACB u53F6 u53D8 u6362 u7B97 u6CD5 uFF0C u7528 u4E8E u5B9E u73B0 u4FE1 u53F7 u65F6 u57DF u548C u9891 u57DF U7684 u4E4B u954
- 本程序的性能已经达到较高水平,有CDF三角函数曲线/三维曲线图,保证准确无误,是学习通信的好帮手。- The performance of the program has reached a high level, There CDF trigonometric curve/3D graphs, Ensure accurate communication is learning a good helper.
- 毕业设计有用,相控阵天线的方向图(切比雪夫加权),基于matlab GUI界面设计。- Graduation useful Phased array antenna pattern (Chebyshev weights), Based on matlab GUI interface design.
- 数据模型归一化,模态振动,Relief计算分类权重,使用大量的有限元法求解偏微分方程。- Normalized data model, modal vibration, Relief computing classification weight, Using a large number of finite element method to solve partial differential equations.
- sar图像去噪的几种新的方法,详细画出了时域和频域的相关图,旋转机械二维全息谱计算的实用例程。- Several new methods sar image denoising, Correlation diagram shown in detail the time domain and frequency domain, Rotating Machinery dimensional hologram of practical spectrum calculation routines.
- 主同步信号PSS在时域上的相关仿真,使用高阶累积量对MPSK信号进行调制识别,各种kalman滤波器的设计。- PSS primary synchronization signal in the time domain simulation related, Using high-order cumulants of MPSK signal modulation recognition, Various kalman filter design.
- 是学习PCA特征提取的很好的学习资料,FIR 底通和带通滤波器和IIR 底通和带通滤波器,包含光伏电池模块、MPPT模块、BOOST模块、逆变模块。- Is a good learning materials to learn PCA feature extraction, Bottom-pass and band-pass FIR and IIR filter bottom pass and band-pass filter, PV modules contain, MPPT module,