- 6个关于逼近与拟合的C源程序,有示例,来自《C语言数值计算常用程序》,所以程序均经本人测试可用!-six approximation with the fitting of the C source code, examples, from the "C language commonly used numerical procedures," and so I have been put to test available!
- 5个关于布尔运算的C程序,以及示例,来自《C语言数值常用程序》,所以程序均经过本人测试可以正常使用!-five Boolean operations on the C procedures, as well as examples from the "C language commonly used numerical procedures," and so I have to undergo testing can be used normally.
- 数个关于滤波器的产生的C程序,以及示例,来自《C语言数值常用程序》,所以程序均经过本人测试可以正常使用!-few of the filter C procedures, as well as examples from the "C language commonly used numerical procedures," and so I have to undergo testing can be used normally.
- 3个关于排序的C程序,以及示例,来自《C语言数值常用程序》,所以程序均经过本人测试可以正常使用!-three on the order of C procedures, as well as examples from the "C language commonly used numerical procedures," and so I have to undergo testing can be used normally.
- 利用高斯正反算进行坐标的转换,测绘专业必备之程序。-use Gaussian count for positive and negative coordinates of the conversion, mapping professionals required procedure.
- DPCM编码的联合信源信道译码,这是一个很重要的benchmark程序-DPCM coding joint source channel decoder, which is a very important benchmark procedures
Rayleigh Fading simulation
- 这是一个瑞利衰落信道中的MATLAB仿真实现。很难得。-This is a Rayleigh fading channels MATLAB Simulation. Very rare.
- 在数据库中发现频繁模式和关联规则是数据挖掘领域的最基本、最重要的问题。大多数早期的研究采用了类似Apriori算法的产生候选级并测试迭代的途径代价是昂贵的,尤其是挖掘富模式和长模式时,Jiawei Han提出了一种新颖的数据结构FP_tree,及基于其上的FP_growth算法,主要用于有效的进行长模式与富模式的挖掘.本文在讨论了FP_growth算法的基础上,提出了用Visual C++实现该算法的方法,并编写了算法的程序。-found in the database model and th
- 距阵链乘问题: 找出矩阵链乘A(35*40) A(40*20) A(20*10) A(10*15)的最佳相乘次序。 算法来自:计算机算法导引-matrix chain by : identify matrix chain by A (35 * 40) A (40 * 20) A (20 * 10) A (10 * 15) concludes the best order. Algorithm from : computer algorithm Seeker
LZ77 Codec
- LZ77压缩编码算法的C代码,VC开发.-LZ77 compression algorithm C code, VC development.
- 蒙特卡罗方法又称随机抽样技巧或统计试验方法。半个多世纪以来,由于科学技术的发展和电子计算机的发明 ,这种方法作为一种独立的方法被提出来,并首先在核武器的试验与研制中得到了应用。蒙特卡罗方法是一种计算方法,但与一般数值计算方法有很大区别。它是以概率统计理论为基础的一种方法。由于蒙特卡罗方法能够比较逼真地描述事物的特点及物理实验过程,解决一些数值方法难以解决的问题,因而该方法的应用领域日趋广泛。 -Monte Carlo method known as random or statistical
- A arithmetical resolution about Hanoi tower . compiled by Visaul C++ -A arithmetical resolution about Hanoi tower . compiled by Visaul C++