- three 本程序是关于图线绘画的算法
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- pro10 USACO第10题
- 2CECE007-Iterative-Richardson-Lucy-Based-Improved Image deblurring submits the procedures that crack to lessen the amount of blur in the blurry image and provides the corrupted image an overall enhanced effect in order to achieve a better image. This paper mainly deals with the removal of blur in an image.
- 简单PSO 带惯性权重的pso matlab代码程序(PSO matlab code program with inertia weight)
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- 根据物理学的毕奥-萨法尔定理,计算环形线圈周围电磁场的强度-According to physics, Biot- Safar theorem, calculate the intensity of electromagnetic field around the circular coil. .
- 收集的一些数值算法源码,大家可以看看不对的地方指出来。-Some of the numerical algorithm collection source, if you look at wrong place out
- GMP是计算任意精度的数学库, 包括支持整数,有理数和浮点. GMP包括大量的接口函数.-GMP is a free library for arbitrary precision arithmetic, operating on signed integers, rational numbers, and floating point numbers. There is no practical limit to the precision except the ones implied by
- 英文论文查找重复率,采用vs2013编写。有很强的参考价值。-English papers find repetition rate, using vs2013 to write. There is a strong reference value.
- Fuzzy Shell Clustering (FSC) Presentation
- 利用c++进行有限元分析的可视化实现 xyz.txt是ansys有限元分析后输出的所有节点坐标 danyuan.txt为有限元分析的所有单元包含的节点编号 jiedianjie.txt为有限元分析后,每个节点的应力值-a.dsp This file (the project file) contains information at the project level and is used to build a single project or subpr
- 平衡小车最新资料2016-01-(卡尔曼滤波版 默认搭载),这个算法还是挺好的,能够有效估计值,达到最接近正确值——角度的。-The latest information on the car balance 2016-01- (Kalman filter plate default equipped), this algorithm is quite good, it can effectively estimate, at the closest correct value- angles.
- 平衡小车最新资料2016-01-DMP版,这个还是值得参考的,比得上卡尔曼滤波算法。-The latest information on the car balance 2016-01-DMP version, this is still worth considering, comparable to the Kalman filter algorithm.
- openfoam基于simple的 FSI 计算,由campell(2011)基于OpenFoam开发-FSI problem based on OpenFOAM simpleFoam solver by Campell(2011)
- 强大的矩阵库,很好用。内部还有使用说明书和代码例子-Powerful matrix library, is useful. There are internal instructions and code examples
- 利用卡尔曼滤波对自由落体的目标小球进行跟踪,其中有些视频演示跟踪过程.-The use of Kalman filter to the objective of free-falling ball track, some of which track the process of video presentations.
- 著名的数学计算类库,功能强大,结果可靠。速度可以与fortan媲美了