- 根据演化计算的思想,采用精英演化策略模型搜索优化问题最优解。-Evolutionary computation based on the idea of evolution strategies with the elite model search optimization the optimal solution.
- 最近邻算法的python代码,包含有可使用的数据集和测试集。-The python code for the nearest neighbor algorithm contains available data sets and test sets.
- 这是我们学校一位大牛的讲稿,是关于神经网络的,对于学习神经网络的童鞋们是福音,现在与大家共享,有问题大家一起讨论-This is our school a large cattle speech on neural network learning neural network of children' s shoes is the gospel, and now share with you, there are problems we can discuss
- 人工智能编程语言这项工作是授权下创作共用attribution-noderivs-noncommercial许可证。查看本授权的副本,访问:/ /所有组织/许可证。by-nd-nc / 1/或来信创作共用,559弥敦雅培,斯坦福大学,加利福尼亚94305,美国-This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs-NonCommercial License. To view a copy of this l
- 模拟植物生长算法的分形树源程序,根据迭代次数的不同获得一株完整的植物生长图-The plant growth simulation algorithm of the fractal tree source code, modified according to the different number of iterations to obtain a complete plant growth chart
- BP神经网络数字字符识别程序,可以识别各种手写字,识别率还不是很好-BP neural network digital character recognition program that can identify a variety of handwritten word recognition rate is not very good
- 这是一个细胞识别系统及其开放的源代码,希望大家能够用的上,-This is a cell recognition system and its open source code, we hope to use, thank you
- 微粒群算法的寻优算法:PSO算法参数设置、种群初始化、寻找初始极值、迭代寻优-Particle swarm optimization algorithm: PSO algorithm, parameter settings, population initialization, looking for the initial extremum, iterative optimization
- 数据挖掘中十大经典算法,初学必备,可快速有效的了解数据挖掘的基本方法-Data mining in the top ten classical algorithm, the novice must quickly and efficiently understand data mining
- 模糊聚类算法各种算法的介绍,以及比较。并介绍了聚类的应用。-Fuzzy clustering algorithm, introduced a variety of algorithms, as well as the comparison. And introduces the application of clustering.
- 根据节点分区情况,确定成簇数目是分簇算法设计的重点,这两个算法对成簇数目进行优化,均匀节点能耗,延长网络寿命。-According to the node partition, determine the number of clusters is a clustering algorithm is designed to focus on these two algorithms to optimize the number of clusters, uniform node energy c
- 粒子群算法优化极限学习机的参数,实现SINC函数拟合-The particle swarm algorithm to optimize the parameters of the extreme learning machine, realizes the SINC function fitting