- svpwm仿真模型,可以直接使用,模块齐全(SVPWM simulation model)
- 运用色彩空间皮肤判定和眼睛定位的人脸检测(Face detection using color space decision and eye location)
- 图像处理系统的输入是图像,主要有灰度图像、索引图像、RGB图像和二值图像四类,了解这四类图像的存储结构(Image processing system input is the image, there are grayscale images, index images, RGB images and binary images of the four categories, understand the four types of image storage structure)
- TSP经典问题 内含一个用MATLAB GA写成的TSP算法 适合新手学习(The classic TSP problem contains a TSP algorithm written in MATLAB GA for beginners)
- an innovative approach for volatility
- 人工智能数据分割,贼牛逼,博时大腿数年心血(Artificial intelligence data segmentation)
- MATLAB支持向量机,编程实现,已用C语言转,内附Windows x64和x32(MATLAB SVM Programming implementation, has been used in C language, Windows x64 and X32)
- spectrum sensing is used to find the vacant spectrum.The performance metrics are probability of detection and fasle alarm
第02章 整数规划
- 规划中的变量(部分或全部)限制为整数时,称为整数规划。若在线性规划模型中, 变量限制为整数,则称为整数线性规划。(In the planning of variables (partial or complete) restricted to integers, known as integer programming. If the linear programming model, Variables are restricted to integers is called intege
第03章 非线性规划
- 如果目标函数或约束条件中包含非线性函数,就称这种规划问题为非线性规划问 题。一般说来,解非线性规划要比解线性规划问题困难得多。而且,也不象线性规划有 单纯形法这一通用方法,非线性规划目前还没有适于各种问题的一般算法,各个方法都 有自己特定的适用范围(If you include the nonlinear function of the objective function or constraints, for nonlinear programming ask we call this
第04章 动态规划
- 动态规划(dynamic programming)是运筹学的一个分支,是求解决策过程(decision process)最优化的数学方法。 20 世纪 50 年代初 R. E. Bellman 等人在研究多阶段决策过 程(multistep decision process)的优化问题时,提出了著名的最优性原理(principle of optimality),把多阶段过程转化为一系列单阶段问题,逐个求解,创立了解决这类过程 优化问题的新方法—动态规划。(Dynamic programm
- Spectrum sensing technique used find vacant spectrum . Primary user detection can be done based on particle filter technology.