- 在同步旋转坐标系下,采用simulink对pmsm进行数学建模(In the synchronous rotating coordinate system, the mathematical modeling of PMSM is carried out by Simulink)
- 绘制单架飞机(单目标)的时延多普勒关系图(Plot Delay-Doppler of single target.)
- 粒子滤波在追踪飞机轨迹中的应用,绘制飞机航线(Application in tracking of particle filter.)
- 粒子群算法解决vrp问题,主函数和各个子程序,全部,可运行。(The particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm solves the VRP Problem, the main function and the various subroutines, all of which can be run.)
- 对于已经给出的横坐标及对应的函数值,进行三次样条插值。边界条件为二阶导数为0。 需要的追赶法程序也在内。另外还有高斯消去法和gauss-jordan法求逆矩阵的程序(Two of the programes are aming to solving the problem of cubic interpolation with the boundary condition of the zero second-order derivation. The programe of the chasi
- 含有积分算法 依据光场分布的积分算法,使用积分算法计算探测面某点的光强 利用高斯光场的分布,计算不同探测角度的光强分布(Integral algorithm. The integral algorithm is used to calculate the light intensity of a point on the detection surface by integral algorithm.. The distribution of Gauss light field is used
- 光伏并网逆变器的PQ-V控制模型,为毕业设计的建模,供相关领域的中高级同任学习参考(PQ-V control model of photovoltaic grid connected inverter for graduation design modeling, for reference in the related fields of middle and advanced learning reference)
- 匈牙利算法,用于求解二分图的匈牙利算法,里面包含量两种求解方法,希望对大家有用。(Hungarian algorithm can be used to solve the bipartite matching problem , but it requires the bipartite graph to be completely symmetric. Hence we need to transform the original non-symmetric binary map matchi
- 模糊c-均值聚类算法通过优化目标函数得到每个样本点对所有类中心的隶属度,从而决定样本点的类属以达到自动对样本数据进行分类的目的,一般用于故障识别与分类。(Fuzzy c- mean clustering algorithm obtains the membership degree of every sample point to all class centers by optimizing the objective function, and determines the classifi
- Color-Guided Depth Recovery From RGB-D Data Using an Adaptive Autoregressive Model 这篇论文的源代码(source code of Color-Guided Depth Recovery From RGB-D Data Using an Adaptive Autoregressive Model)
- 包含用matlab编写的一些分形图如雪花图和矩形变换图等,还有物体运动图像包括变速与恒速,还包括三维动图,如卫星图像等(It contains some fractal maps written by MATLAB, such as snowflake diagram and rectangle transformation diagram, and so on. There are also objects moving pictures, including speed and consta
- 文件包含源代码,能够实现pcm编译码,易于大学生对pcm编码的学习(PCM matlab simulation)