- 可以用于评价模型,只需要带入单位的特征即可(Can be used to evaluate class models)
fuzzy PD control system
- 模糊PD控制系统的simulink仿真模型例子,用C10_21fzpd.m为模糊模型输入模糊规则及参数后,然后运行模糊PD控制系统的仿真模型c10mfzpd.mdl。(The example of fuzzy PD control system is Simulink simulation model, and C10_21fzpd.m is used to input fuzzy rules and parameters into fuzzy model. Then the simulatio
第7章 人工神经网络及其Matlab实现.tar
- Matlab的人工神经网络程序和模拟退火程序及其说明(Matlab artificial neural network program and simulated annealing program and its descr iption)
- pm海浪生成,主要运行那个test文件即可生成pm海浪谱(PM waves generation.The PM wave spectrum can be generated by the main running of the test file)
- BP神经网络的MATLAB程序代码,通过修改参数,实现多种网络结构的搭建与预测(MATLAB program code of BP neural network, the construction and prediction of a variety of network structures by modifying the parameters)
- gauges for matlab2012
灰色系统GM(1 ,1)的 MATLAB 实现及其应用
- 灰色 GM(1 ,1) 预测模型是灰色理论中的重要组成部分 ,也是主要的预测方法之一. 因此 , GM(1 ,1)模型的应用范围很广泛.,用 MATLAB 软件 实现了 GM(1 ,1)预测算法并给出了源代码.(Grey GM (1, 1) prediction model is an important part of grey theory, and it is also one of the main prediction methods. Therefore, GM (1, 1) mod
massive-MIMO-small-cells-master 17
- 5G algorithms, massive mimo , 5G algorithms
- fffrtdt drt rtd drtrtdtrtr drt rdrt d
- The package includes an example mortar finite element code for solving Poisson equation on nonmatching grids. The code is based on the variational formulation where the finite element solution is sought in a constrained space (the functions of this s
- 以美国航空网数据集为例 将txt文件中的数据集改为--邻接矩阵--形式进行保存 转换结果为无向、无权图 a为节点个数 为了执行简单,函数没有设置参数,大家直接在程序里改参数a的值(Turn the edge list into a adjacency matrix)
- used for shannon Capacity calc