- 飞机定位问题在航空的应用是十分广泛的,此源码是用matlab实现的,能够准确模拟出飞机在空中的定位。,positioning of the aircraft in the aviation application is very extensive, the source is realized using Matlab, to accurately simulate aircraft in the air positioning.
- QoS选播路由的粒子群算法仿真主函数 来自(http://blog.sina.com.cn/greensim),QoS Anycast Routing Simulation of the particle swarm algorithm main function from (http://blog.sina.com.cn/greensim)
INS 平台式惯性导航系统仿真
- 平台式惯性导航系统仿真,可用于学习误差分析,静基座卡尔曼滤波对准-Platform inertial navigation system simulation,can be used to study error analysis ,the static Kalman filter aligned base
ruihua matlab对图片的锐化实例代码
- matlab对图片的锐化实例代码,,包括各种滤波模板的处理算法-matlab code for image sharpening instance, includes a variety of filter template processing algorithms
guass 高斯消去法求解线性方程组
- 高斯消去法求解线性方程组 输入变量为一个n阶非奇异方阵A,和n维列向量b,输出的结果为线性方程组Ax=b的解-Gaussian elimination method for solving linear equations
Frequencies Output All 刚度矩阵源程序
- 刚度矩阵源程序 用matlab编写的 又错误的地方希望原谅!谢谢!-Element Stiffness SpaceTrussAssemble FrequenciesOutputAll
6.JADE-MATLAB 角度和时延联合估计(JADE)算法
- 角度和时延联合估计(JADE)算法MATLAB程序-Joint angle and delay estimation (JADE) algorithm MATLAB program
- MATLAB实例程序,非常好用,尤其对初学者,建议多上机编程练习-MATLAB example program, very easy to use, especially for beginners, the proposed multi-on programming exercises
- 周期图法谱估计需要对信号序列“截断”或加窗处理,其结果是使估计功率谱密度为信号序列真实谱和窗谱的卷积,导致误差的产生。本程序分别设计了周期图法,最大熵功率谱估计和Welch法以及它们的对比,最大熵功率谱估计目的是最大限度地保留截断后丢失的“窗口”以外信号的信息,使估计谱的熵最大。-Periodogram spectrum estimation signal sequence needs to " cut off" or add the window handle, the
- 一个用matlab写的语音处理工具程序,里面有文字说明的,,using Matlab was a voice processing tools procedure, which has a textual descr iption,
- 用matlab观察DOG小波时域和频域波形,using Matlab observation DOG wavelet time domain and frequency domain waveform
- 相信对初学者比较有用,欢迎大家下载并交流与指导。,Believe that the more useful for beginners, are welcome to download and exchange and guidance.