polar code2
- 根据华为5G创新大赛polar code部分提供的材料编写的polar code仿真代码,包含SC、SCL、BP三种译码算法。代码实现过程和所提供的材料保持高度一致,便于理解。(According to the Huawei 5G Innovation Competition Polar Code part ,the code is including SC and SCL two decoding algorithms. The code implementation process is h
计算各种混沌系统李雅普洛夫指数的MATLAB 源程序
- 通过matlab仿真程序计算各种混沌系统李雅普诺夫的数值和图(Calculate the values and graphs of various chaotic system Lyapunov)
- EM算法是人工智能十大算法之一。三硬币模型算例出自李航的《统计学习方法》,书中给出了计算结果和简单解说,对于不是学数学的看这种复杂的公式看不懂,我也看了很久才看懂。我用matlab编写的代码,并作了详细的注释。(EM algorithm is one of the ten major algorithms of artificial intelligence. The three coin model is derived from Li Hang's statistical learning
- LSTM的matlab工具箱,亲测好用,内有案例文件,可放心学习(matlab toolbox for LSTM)
- 文档中对如何进行comsol与matlab互调进行了详细说明。(In the document, the intermodulation of COMSOL and MATLAB is explained in detail.)
Copula Simulation
- Matlab code for simulating Clayton copula, Frank copula, Gumbel copula, Gaussian copula and Student t-copula
- 数字预失真的MATLAB仿真,有详细说明(MATLAB simulation of digital predistortion, with a detailed descr iption.)
Longitudinal differential protection
- 仿真纵联差动保护,有一定的学习意义。模拟输电线路的闭锁式距离纵联保护建立 SIMULINK 仿真模型。加深我们对电气工程和 MATLAB 仿真的理解和认识。(The simulation longitudinal differential protection has certain learning significance. The SIMULINK simulation model is established to simulate the closed range longitudin
- 6台1.5MW双馈风机组成9MW的风电场的运行情况,基于simulink/demo中的详细模型改进。
锂电池模型、优化设计和仿真Simscape Language
- 该文件包含锂离子电池模型参数估计和仿真。 1)估计。SLX锂离子电池包含一个等温的单电池模型,具有1-RC等效电路 2)单细胞模拟(SSCL锂离子电池1RC.SLX)。该模型利用在等效电路元件内布置为查找表的估计实例的参数,模拟单电池在简单脉冲充放电循环下的电热响应。 3)电池组,抽象版本(SSCLILIUMUBATYYY1CELL。SLX)。 4)电池组,详细版本(SSCLILIUMUBATTYYY80CCELL,S
- matlab实现带通滤波,根据采集到的时域信号,处理得到频域信号,matlab滤波(matlab Realization of bandpass filtering)
- 极化码BP译码算法,三种改进的BP译码算法。(Polarization code BP decoding algorithm, three improved BP decoding algorithms.)