- 在电力市场改革的过程中,出现了许多新的问题:网络潮流的分布主要由电力交易 的分布所决定,电力交易以追求最大利润为目标,于是出现了电力系统中输电价格较低 的线路或电能价格较低的发电机组周围的线路负荷过重,从而增加了发生阻塞的可能 性。本文就电力市场中输电阻塞管理的办法以及阻塞费用的计算进行了讨论。-the electricity market reform process, the emergence of many new issues : the trend of the distributi
- 基于matlab的mp3的读写函数Mp3 toolbox for Matlab. Alfredo Fernandez Franco Aalborg University Departament of Acoustics M.Sc. Student aberserk@yahoo.com Includes 2 functions to write and read MP3 files. It works like the commands WAVWRITE and WAVREAD. 1.- Just
- 用来实现三维阻抗及光学断层成像重建的matlab程序-used 3D impedance and optical tomography reconstruction procedures Matlab
- 非线性卡尔曼滤波跟踪系统的实现和误差分析;供初学目标跟踪的朋友参考使用-nonlinear Kalman filtering system of tracking and error analysis; For beginners target tracking friends reference
- 在使用MATLAB完成小波变换程序和通过阈值来压缩图像的过程中,我和许多同学都是边学边用,是从一个接一个的问题中逐步理解小波和MATLAB编写程序的。因此我愿意就个人遇到和解决问题的经验与大家讨论,希望能够对遇到同样问题的人有所帮助。-using MATLAB completed wavelet transform procedures and through the threshold to compress images of the process, I and many of my cl
add kalman
- 继续上传基于稳态kalman滤波器事例讲解,这里可以不需要考虑观测系统中的噪声。-to upload based on steady-state Kalman filter on the case, it need not consider here Observing System of noise.
- 卡尔曼滤波器设计MTALAB实现代码,根据matlab中提供的kalman函数进行设计,需要设计出“动态方程”和“观测方程”-Kalman filter design to achieve MATLAB code, under which the Matlab Tracking function for the design, the need to design "dynamic equation" and "observation equation"
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- 这里是一部分关于OFDM的教程和仿真,不知有没有用,反正好东西与大家共享。-OFDM on the part of the curriculum and simulation, but not a useless, since good things and share.
- 上次传的有点小问题,这个已经解决,是基本LMS算法的matlab实现。-previous biographies of some minor problems, this has been resolved, the LMS is the basic algorithm to achieve the Matlab.
Matlab code for LMS algorithm
- lms算法在MATLAB上的实现,有点小错误,给大家当参考吧-LMS algorithm in MATLAB on the realization of a little wrong, we can refer to it
- 如何在VC中利用matlab的资源呢? 在这里我简要的以一个简单的例子来说明一下如果在VC中调用matlab中定义的.m文件。-how to use Matlab resources? Here, I briefly with a simple example to illustrate what if the VC called defined in Matlab. M documents.
- 这是直方图均衡化(改进后)的MATLAB程序-This is histogram equalization (improved) MATLAB