- MTI和MTD动目标检测,时频域脉冲压缩,一次对消器设计,能够正常运行
- MATLAB数字通信仿真程序.zipMATLAB数字通信仿真程序.zipMATLAB数字通信仿真程序.zipMATLAB数字通信仿真程序.zipMATLAB数字通信仿真程序.zipMATLAB数字通信仿真程序.zipMATLAB数字通信仿真程序.zipMATLAB数字通信仿真程序.zipMATLAB数字通信仿真程序.zipMATLAB数字通信仿真程序.zipMATLAB数字通信仿真程序.zipMATLAB数字通信仿真程序.zipMATLAB数字通信仿真程序.zipMATLAB数字通信仿真程序.z
Stripmap MIMO SAR on Matlab
- A Matlab code that can be used to generate SAR images with multiple antennas. This code provides many flexibility to adjust several parameters which are essential for SAR images.
Stripmap SAR on Matlab
- A Matlab code tbat generates stripmap SAR images with a variety of parameters to adjust image properties, e.g., slow-time, fast-time and range resolution.
Transmit beamforming for BPSK modulation
- This Matlab code is for computing the BER for BPSK modulation in a Rayleigh fading channel with and without transmit beamforming.
Selection diversity in Rayleigh fading channel
- This Matlab code is for computing the SNR improvement in Rayleigh fading channel with selection diversity.
Receive diversity for BPSK modulation
- Matlab code for computing the BER for BPSK modulation in a AWGN channel with receive diversity.
Alamouti Space Time Block Coding for 2x2 MIMO
- Matlab code for computing the BER for BPSK modulation in a Rayleigh fading channel with Alamouti Space Time Block Coding two transmit antenna and two Receive antenna.
Alamouti Space Time Block Coding 2x1 System
- Matlab code for computing the BER for BPSK modulation in a Rayleigh fading channel with Alamouti Space Time Block Coding Two transmit antenna, 1 Receive antenna.
FMCW radar simulation for SAR
- FMCW radar simulation for SAR is done in Matlab with all necessary explanations, step by step.
- 考虑一个10元标准线列阵(阵元间距为1000Hz对应波长的一半)。两个正弦平面波信号从远场入射到该阵列。两个信号的入射角和中心频率如下表所示,相位是独立同分布的随机变量,在0到360°区间上服从均匀分布。各阵元输出的噪声是相互独立、功率相等的白噪声。(a)设阵元接收信号的功率与噪声功率之比分别为5dB(信号1)和10dB(信号2),请根据表中所示的入射角和信号频率,分别给出利用常规波束形成、MVDR和MUSIC三种方法得到的空间方位谱。计算中假定观测时间为1秒,采样频率为8192Hz。(b)当输
- 在Matlab软件中,用Dijkstra算法和Floyd算法计算出最短路径。