- 能够对所下的单子进行自动跟踪止盈,止损,能在盈利后分批次出场,能够最大化盈利-Can carry on the automatic tracking to the list of stop, stop, to partial appearances after the profits, to maximize profit
- GPS卫星运动及定位matlab仿真.毕业设计 非常系统完善的实现了GPS定位仿真-GPS positioning principle using MATLAB simulation
- 提取横断面数据,直接横断面图数字化,获取高程偏距资料。-Extraction of cross-sectional data, direct digital cross-sectional view, access to information elevation offset.
- cad编号的插件,可对桩基,对象进行智能编号,大大提高工作效率-Number of plug-ins, cad for pile foundation, object of intelligent number, greatly improve the work efficiency
- 自动布设横断面,内插高程点,各种小功能的集成。-Automatic layout cross-sectional, interpolation elevation point, integration of various kinds of small feature.
- 这个是我在本科毕业设计时候做的关于光电阴极的量子效率计算仿真的一个小程序-This is my time to do graduate design a quantum efficiency of the photocathode on the calculation of the simulation of a small program
- This is USB zip file which has a master and slave configuration. there are different modes inwhich it can work. There is testbench module as well which helps in identifying whether design is working correctly or not.
- 插花技能培训,包括了插花技能与理论,西方插花艺术介绍-Flower arranging skills training, including arranging skills and theories and western art introduction
- 此文件为插花技能培训课件,包括了西方插花艺术介绍、插花技能与理论-This document is the flower arranging skills training courseware, including the introduction of Western floral art, flower arranging skills and theories
- 2866754FFTConv for feature extraction by c# 2866754FFTConv for feature extraction by c#-2866754FFTConv for feature extraction by c# 2866754FFTConv for feature extraction by c# 2866754FFTConv for feature extraction by c#
- do multiple linear regression on fisher s iris as laboratory work. do multiple linear regression on fisher s iris as laboratory work.-do multiple linear regression on fisher s iris as laboratory work. do multiple linear regression on fishe
- experts estimation processing as laboratory work. you can insert various data if wish. experts estimation processing experts estimation processing experts estimation processing