conductivity of graphene
- 基于Kubo公式,计算石墨烯的电导率和石墨烯的表面阻抗,包含两个独立文件(The conductivity and the surface impedance of graphene is calculated based on Kubo formula.)
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- 用于交通事故研究及其分析预测 具有良好的预测能力机构的清理完毕来吧避雷器发大V额v(traffic accident reas in north are Jinshajiang River system, upper Yangtze River mainstream system, Wujiang River system, and Dongting Lake system of Yangtze River Basin, while areas in south are Nanpan
- Act gggggh hjkk ghjj gjjk
- 利用前方交会和后方交会,结合像点坐标,计算物方点坐标(Using forward intersection and resection, combined with the coordinates of image points, we calculate the coordinates of the object points.)
C++超市管理系统(含报告) 2
- 学生作业 这是关于学生作业的超市管理系统 实现了商品的购买交易功能(this is about the student's homework)
- 学生信息管理系统 注册学生账户 登陆学生账户 修改账户信息(student information login logout modefy)
- 信呼是一套免费开源的协同办公系统,为各大中小企业通用型在线办公管理系统,精简,便捷方便使用的管理软件,让每个企业单位都有属于自己的办公系统。(The letter call is a set of free open source cooperative office system, for the large and medium and small enterprises general online office management system, streamlined, conven
- 圆阵DOA估计,适合于初学圆阵的人,简单易用。(Circular array DOA estimation)
- 一起交流,一个交通的软件,欢迎大家一起来交流学习啊啊啊啊(To communicate with each other, a traffic software, welcome everyone to learn and exchange.)
- 导弹简易弹体相对运动学与动力学模型。。。(A simple missile body model)
- 该文件是用matlab编程语言,针对电磁波传播特性,用编程方式实现电磁波在二维空间中的传播,并进行了传播过程的演示。(This document is a programming language in MATLAB. In view of the characteristics of electromagnetic wave propagation, the transmission of electromagnetic wave in two-dimensional space is rea
- 进销存管理系统,涵盖了ERP中进销存的所有功能,经过测试可下载使用(The Invoicing management system covers all functions of invoicing and storage in ERP, which can be downloaded after testing.)